Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Deploy customizations to the IBM Sales Center > Accept customizations for deployment in Rational Application Developer

Create a feature project in Rational Application Developer

Before you can create an Update Site project in Rational Application Developer (RAD) first create one or more feature projects that will refer to all of the plugins to deploy.

To create a feature project for the plug-ins in RAD V6:


  1. In the Package Explorer view click New and Feature Project

  2. Enter a project name and click Next

  3. Optionally enter name of the Feature Provider, and click Next

  4. Select the plugins and fragments and click Finish

  5. The feature.xml editor opens. Right click on the Update URLs and select New -> Update URL

  6. In the Properties view change the URL to the server URL where we will have an update site. If you do not know where the update site will be, or if there may be multiple update sites when the feature is deployed, enter an arbitrary unique URL, such as http://<featureName>.URL. As long as a non-empty update URL is supplied, it can later be mapped to the correct URL.

  7. Optionally provide other feature information then type Ctrl+S to save.


You must choose whether to create one feature or several. The feature defines the granularity for installation and update. Populating an update site with several small features instead of one large feature allows for selective installation. For example, one base feature that is always installed can provide the functional plugins, and several optional features can each provide fragments containing message text translated into a different language. Different clients can be installed with more or fewer optional features, and new language features can be developed and deployed as necessary without re-versioning the base feature.

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Accept customizations for deployment in Rational Application Developer

Deploy customizations to the IBM Sales Center

Related tasks

Create an update site in Rational Application Developer


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