Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Editors

Add a page to an editor

There are several types of editors in the IBM Sales Center. These editors are used to create and manage orders, quotes, ticklers, returns, and customers. Editors are where the Customer Service Representatives do the majority of their work. This page explains how to add a page to an editor.

To add a new page to an existing editor:


  1. Determine the ID of the editor to be modified. The default IBM Sales Center editors are all defined in the plug-in manifest file (plugin.xml). Editors are defined using the base Eclipse extension point: org.eclipse.ui.editors. Each editor definition defines the ID of the editor, and the Java class that implements the editor. All of the IBM Sales Center multipage editors' implementation classes are subclasses of TelesalesMultiPageEditor. This base class allows the editor pages to be defined using the editor pages extension point . This extension point allows the definition of the order of the pages and the implementing classes for each of the pages in the editor. What to look for in the plugin.xml file is the editorPages extension. This is the definition that will be replaced.

  2. Create a new definition of the editor pages extension point (follow this link or an example of the extension definition).

  3. Create the page to add to the editor. TelesalesEditorPage or TelesalesConfigurableEditorPage is a useful superclass to extend.

  4. Use the extension point to indicate that the new editor pages definition will be used instead of the default IBM Sales Center editor pages definition. Note that when the new editor pages definition is added, the pages from the original editor pages definition, as well as the new page, will need to be defined.

Related concepts


System configurator

Related tasks

Remove a page from an editor

Replace a page in an editor

Modify a page in an editor

Reorder pages in an editor

Related reference

IBM Sales Center samples: Actions, dialogs, editors and requests


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