Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Menu actions > Context menu actions
Add a context menu action
The default IBM Sales Center actions are defined by the extension-point. This extension point allows you to specify a list of actionSet IDs and an ID for the whole group. When a IBM Sales Center perspective is loaded, it will use a predefined ID to determine which action set group to use. This section explains how to add a context menu action.
To add a new menu item to a context (popup) menu:
- Create a new plug-in to contain the customizations.
- In the new plugin, add the org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point. This base Eclipse extension point allows you to define an action. Refer to the Eclipse platform documentationfor more information.
Tip: If the menu item will appear only when a specific object type is selected, define an objectContribution element. If the menu will appear on a specific view regardless of the selected object, then create a viewerContribution element. In general, the selected IBM Sales Center objects are instances of the model object classes found in the package in the plug-in.
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