Reference > IBM Sales Center extension points
The extension point is used to declare configured table definitions for use in the IBM Sales Center user interface.
The extension point is used to declare configured table definitions for use in the IBM Sales Center user interface.
Configuration Markup:
<!ELEMENT extension ( tableDefinition+)>
<!ATTLIST extension
- point - The fully qualified identifier of the target extension point.
- id - An optional identifier for the target extension point.
- name - An optional name for the extension instance.
<!ELEMENT tableDefinition ( column*)>
<!ATTLIST tableDefinition
referenceId CDATA #IMPLIED>
This element is used to describe configured tables.
- id - Unique identifier for this table definition declaration. Use this identifier to refer to this table. It may be necessary to fully qualify references to this identifier if the reference is made from a different namespace context.
- referenceId - The identifier of a table definition declaration that this table definition declaration should be based on. All properties and attributes will be inherited from the reference declaration. Anything defined in this definition will override the value inherited from the reference definition. All of the columns found in the reference declaration will appear before any columns defined in this declaration. If the reference table definition has not been declared in the same namespace as this table definition declaration, then fully qualify the reference ID.
<!ELEMENT column ( property*)>
<!ATTLIST column
referenceId CDATA #IMPLIED
minimumWidth CDATA #IMPLIED
resizable (true | false)
managerType CDATA #IMPLIED
initialSort (true | false)
verifyListenerType CDATA #IMPLIED
validatorType CDATA #IMPLIED
cellEditorType CDATA #IMPLIED
enabled (true | false)
buttonImage CDATA #IMPLIED
required (true | false)
formatterType CDATA #IMPLIED
controltooltip CDATA #IMPLIED
buttontooltip CDATA #IMPLIED
dataType (date|string|integer|timestamp|bigDecimal|bigInteger) >
This element is used to describe table columns.
- id - Unique identifier for this table column declaration. Use this identifier to refer to this column. It may be necessary to fully qualify references to this identifier if the reference is made from a different namespace context.
- referenceId - The identifier of a table column declaration that this table column declaration should be based on. All properties and attributes will be inherited from the reference declaration. Anything defined in this definition will override the value inherited from the reference definition. If the reference table column has not been declared in the same namespace as this table column declaration, then fully qualify the reference ID.
- alignment - Controls how text and images will be displayed in the receiver. The argument should be one of LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER. The default is LEFT.
- text - The resource key for the column header text.
- image - The symbolic name for the image to be displayed in the column header.
- minimumWidth - The column's minimum width in pixels. The default is ColumnWeightData.MINIMUM_WIDTH.
- resizable - Sets the resizable attribute. The default value is true.
- weight - The column's weight. The default value is 0.
- width - The column's width. The default value is 0.
- modelPath - Path to the model data represented by this table column. The widget manager may use this information to determine the initial value of the column. The expected pattern is propertyNameA.propertyNameB.propertyNameC where propertyNameA is found in the row element, propertyNameB is a property on the model object found under propertyNameA and propertyNameC points to the value that is to be displayed in the table cell.
- managerType - The manager type indicates the type of the widget manager that is expected to manage this table column. Widget managers that do not share this manager type should ignore this column. The default value is standard which indicates that the standard widget manager should manage this column.
- initialSort - The initial sort attribute indicates that this column is the column by which the table should initially be sorted. The default value is false. For a table definition, only one or the first column can be selected for initial sort.
- sortingOrder - Sorting sequence for the column to be initially sorted. The argument should be either ASC or DESC. The default value is ASC for ascending order. This sorting preference will be applicable only when the initialSort attribute is set to true for a particular column.
To customize or extend any table definition, reference the required columns and change the initialSort and sortingOrder attributes for any one column to define the sorting sequence.
- verifyListenerType - The verify listener type indicates the type of the verify listener that is expected to be added to the cell editor control. The widget managers are responsible for interpreting this value and assigning an appropriate verify listener. The standard widget manager understands the following values:
- integer
- longInteger
- validatorType - The validator type indicates the type of the validation that is expected to be performed for this column. The widget managers are responsible for interpreting this value and providing appropriate validation.
- label - The resource key for the column label. This is the label that is used to refer to the column when it is necessary to bring it to the attention of the user. This value can be used with any type of column cell editor.
- cellEditorType - The cell editor type. Use this attribute to specify the type of cell editor that is to be associated with the column. Valid values are text, textArea, labelDialog, textDialog, comboDialog and combo.
- enabled - The enabled attribute of the cell editor. By default a cell is not enabled.
- buttonImage - The button image attribute. This attribute is valid for textDialog and comboDialog cell editor types.
- buttonText - The button text attribute of the cell editor. This attribute is valid for textDialog and comboDialog cell editor types.
- textLimit - Text limit value. This attribute is valid for text, textArea, and textDialog cell editor types.
- required - Indicates that this control represents a required input field. The default value is false. This value can be used with any type of cell editor but is expected to be used with cell editor that handle user input such as text, textArea, textDialog, comboDialog and combo.
- formatterType - Formatter type to be used. The following pre-defined values are supported :
- longDateTimeFormat
- shortDateTimeFormat
- shortDateFormat
- longDateFormat
- controltooltip - The resource key for the tooltip text. This text is displayed when the mouse hovers over the non-button control in the cell. The following cell types respect this attribute:
- textdialog
- combodialog
- labeldialog
- text
- textarea
- combo
- buttontooltip - The resource key for the tooltip text. This text is displayed when the mouse hovers over the button control in the cell. The following cell types respect this attribute:
- textdialog
- combodialog
- labeldialog
- dataType - The data type of the value in the column. This attribute is used by the StandardWidgetManager to sort the columns based on the specified datatype. The StandardWidgetManager converts the dataType into one of the following corresponding Java data types before sorting.
- String
- BigDecimal
- BigInteger
- Integer
- Date
- Timestamp
<!ELEMENT property ( value* | property*)>
<!ATTLIST property
This element is used to describe a column. The property will be available to the the widget manager when the column is being managed. All columns must describe columnType property. This property is used to uniquely identify a column.
- name - The name of the property. Choose names that don't conflict with attribute names on the column element.
- value - The property value. Use this attribute if the property has a single value.
Value element. Use this element to provide a property value. This element can be used if the property represents a list.
<extension point= "" > <tableDefinition id= "orderItemsTableDefinition" > <column resizable= "true" width= "16" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "CENTER" id= "orderItemEditable" modelPath= "editable" /> <column text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.productTypeColumnHeader" resizable= "true" width= "16" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "CENTER" id= "orderItemProductType" modelPath= "itemCreateDate" /> <column text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.quantityColumnHeader" width= "75" resizable= "true" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "CENTER" id= "orderItemQuantity" modelPath= "quantity" /> <column width= "100" resizable= "true" text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.productIdColumnHeader" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "LEFT" id= "orderItemProductId" modelPath= "product.productId" /> <column text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.productNameColumnHeader" width= "175" resizable= "true" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "LEFT" id= "orderItemProductName" modelPath= "product.catEntryDescName" /> <column width= "125" text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.shipToColumnHeader" resizable= "true" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "LEFT" id= "orderItemShipTo" modelPath= "shippingAddress.addressNickName" /> <column text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.carrierColumnHeader" width= "125" resizable= "true" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "LEFT" id= "orderItemCarrier" modelPath= "shippingMode" /> <column text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.shipDateColumnHeader" width= "65" resizable= "true" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "RIGHT" id= "orderItemShipDate" modelPath= "subLines[0].earliestShipDate" /> <column width= "80" resizable= "true" text= "OrderItemsLabelProvider.priceColumnHeader" minimumWidth= "20" alignment= "RIGHT" id= "orderItemPrice" modelPath= "extendedPrice" /> </tableDefinition> </extension>
API Information:
Table definitions can be created using the table definition factory. Refer to
for more information. Normally a table definition is not constructed directly but is referenced by the tableDefinitoinId
attribute of a table control declaration. Refer to the
extension point for more information.
Supplied Implementation:
Many of the editors, dialogs, and views provided with the IBM Sales Center editor have declared their user interface tables using the tableDefinitions extension point.