Develop > Presentation layer > Customize IBM Sales Center > Controls > Managed composites and widget managers

Input properties and model path

Input properties are objects like hash maps which contain keys and values. They can be used for a session, but are specific to an editor or a dialog level and not the logon level. Each dialog or editor has its own input properties; all communication between the pages in an editor or widgets in a dialog happens only through the input properties. Keys in the input properties can be mapped to the model path of any widgets.

Input properties

Input properties are objects like hash maps which contain keys and values. They can be used for a session, but are specific to an editor or a dialog level and not the logon level. Each dialog or editor has its own input properties; all communication between the pages in an editor or widgets in a dialog happens only through the input properties. Keys in the input properties can be mapped to the model path of any widgets. See the APIs in any editors:

* This method gets the widget manager input properties.
* @return the widget manager input properties.
* @see
public WidgetManagerInputProperties

If you set any data inside the input properties, it will be available across all the pages inside the editor by using the unique key: getWidgetManagerInputProperties().setData("unique_key", value_object)


ModelPath is the key mappings of input properties in an editor or a dialog. It is expressed as This could be also represented as chain of objects with properties. For an example: where city is a property of the address object and address is a container in the customer object.

Map between ModelPath and Input Properties

Example: inputProperties.setData("customer", customer_object)

Here assume that "customer_object" is containing an address object which has defined "city" as its one of the properties.

Now the ModelPath for city from customer object will be:

Related concepts

Managed composites and widget managers

New and existing widget managers


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