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Extensions to terms and conditions
Terms and conditions ("terms") provided with WebSphere Commerce have historically been time-consuming to extend. This extension meant creating additional entity beans for each new term. It was necessary to compile into the appropriate JAR file. With Feature Pack 2 of version 6.0, a special purpose entity bean, ExtendedTermConditionAccessBean has been added. This bean has no relationship to the TermConditionAccessBean. In addition, a corresponding data bean, ExtendedTermConditionDataBean, is added to provide access to the TERMCOND table.
The terms that are shipped with WebSphere Commerce in EJB form remain unchanged, and any customization actions that you performed previously are still valid. However, you can create a TCConfiguration Ext.xml file to provide additional terms for use with this new mechanism; you do not need to add additional entity beans. Any term additions or modifications that you make in this file are available to be included in contracts after you store them in the registry. Changes that you make to this file do not get overwritten by service updates.
You should not modify the TCConfiguration file. This file is for defining IBM internal terms and conditions. Any changes that you make to this file might be overwritten by service updates.
Term types in either the IBM-supplied TCConfiguration.xml file or the TCConfiguration Ext.xml file that you create, act as a mapping mechanism into the TERMCOND table. That is, they supply a human-readable name for the values (INTEGERFIELD1, STRINGFIELD1, etc.) that are stored in the TERMCOND table. You need to add logic to implement the functionality intended by the terms.
The TERMCOND table fields that are supported by this new feature do not provide encryption support, so you should not store sensitive information (such as a credit card number) as part of extended terms.
Supported columns
The following TERMCOND table columns are supported for storing extended term and condition type attribute values.
Related tasks
Add a term to a contract or account
Create an extended term and condition type for contracts and accounts
Update extended terms of a contract or account
Related reference