Samples > Starter stores > Starter store enhancements > Social Commerce > WebSphere Commerce Dojo Enhancements API > Social Commerce services > REST API

Photo galleries

The Social Commerce PhotoGallery widget uses the REST API to retrieve, create, and recommend content from photo galleries, photos, and comments posted for photos that is stored with the social content provider.

The PhotoGallery widget uses the following methods:


Used to retrieve content from photo galleries, photos, and comments posted for photos.


Used to create new photos and photo comments.


Used to recommend a photo or flag a photo as inappropriate.


Used to delete a photo.

REST API for photo galleries
HTTP method URI Description Data type Query parameters Authenticated user
GET /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId> Retrieves a photo gallery with a page of photos. photoGallery

  • pageSize

  • onPage

POST /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos Creates a new photo. photo  
GET /users/<userId>/photos Retrieves a page of photos created by a specified user. photoPage    
GET /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId> Retrieves a photo from a photo gallery. photo    
PUT /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId> Either recommends a photo from a photo gallery or reports a photo from a photo gallery as inappropriate. One of the following:

  • recommendation

  • reportInappropriate

DELETE /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId> Deletes a photo from a photo gallery. Only valid for the user who created the photo.    
POST /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId>/photoComments Creates a new comment for a photo. photoComment  
GET /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId>/photoComments Retrieves a page of photo comments. photoCommentPage

  • pageSize

  • onPage

GET /photoGalleries/<photoGalleryId>/photos/<photoId>/photoComments/<photoCommentsId> Retrieves a single photo comment. photoComment    

Data types

The following table lists the data types contained in the REST API for the PhotoGallery widget and provides a code snippet to illustrate each data type.
Data type Example

    "id":{ "type": "string" },     "title":{ "type": "string" },     "onPage":{ "type": "integer" },     "pageSize":{ "type": "integer" },     "numPhotos":{ "type": "integer" },     "photos":{ "type": "array", "arrayType": "photo" }


    "id":{ "type": "string" },     "galleryHandle": { "type": "string" }, // Optional - usually only specified when fetching by username
    "title":{ "type": "string" },     "description":{ "type": "string" },     "date":{ "type": "date" },     "numComments":{ "type": "integer" },     "numRecommendations":{ "type": "integer" },     "authorId":{ "type": "string" },     "tags":{ "type": "array", "arrayType": "string" },     "thumb":{ "type": "string" },     "full":{ "type": "string" }


    "onPage":{ "type": "integer" },     "pageSize":{ "type": "integer" },     "numEntries":{ "type": "integer" },     "photos":{ "type": "array", "arrayType": "photos" }


    "recommend": { "type": "boolean" },     "action":"recommend"


    "inappropriate": { "type": "boolean" },     "action":"reportInappropriate"


    "id":{ "type": "string" },     "authorId":{ "type": "string" },     "datePosted": { "type": "string" },     "body":{ "type": "string" }


    "photoGalleryId":{ "type": "string" },     "photoId":{ "type": "string" },     "pageSize":{ "type": "integer" },     "onPage":{ "type": "integer" },     "numComments":{ "type": "integer" },     "comments":{ "type": "array", "arrayType": "comment" }

Query parameters

The following table lists and describes each of the query parameters contained in the REST API for the PhotoGallery widget.
Name Type Range Description
pageSize integer [1,infinity) The number of photos or comments to return.
onPage integer [1,infinity) The starting page index of photos or comments to return. For example, when the pageSize is set to 10 and the onPage value is set to 3, the request returns photo entries 30 through 39.

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