Reference > WebSphere Commerce Web services > Infrastructure
Noun Configuration
The Configuration noun is used to model extensions to the store and other global configurations.
Here is the list of supported UniqueIDs:
Each UniqueID returns the following information:
- UniqueID starting with prefix "" [Number of ConfigurationAttribute entries] ConfigurationValue (Name, Sample Values**)
- defaultLanguage [1] (languageDescription*, French)
(languageId, -2)
(localeName, fr_FR)
(language, fr)
(country, FR)
(variant, )
(encoding, UTF-8)
(mimeCharSet, iso-8859-15)
- supportedLanguages [number of all supported languages with default language being the first one in the list] (same as defaultLanguage, same as defaultLanguage)
- defaultCurrency [1] (currencyDescription*, Euro)
(currencyCode, EUR)
- supportedCurrencies [number of all supported currencies with default currency being the first one in the list] (same as defaultCurrency, same as defaultCurrency)
- fulfillmentCenter [number of all available fulfillment centers for this store with default fulfillment center being the first one in the list] (fulfillmentCenterName*, ConsumerDirect Home)
(fulfillmentCenterId, 10001)
(defaultShipOffset, 86400)
(dropShip, N)
(extFFMStoreNum, )
(inventoryOpFlag, 0)
(memberId, 7000000000000000002)
(maxNumPick, 25)
(pickDelayInMin, 5)
(shipArrangeId, 10001)
(shippingModeId, )
(startDate, 1970-06-22 23:00:00.0)
(endDate, 2008-06-22 23:00:00.0)
(trackingNumber, 0.0)
(precedence, )
(flags, 0)
(field1, )
(field2, )
- staticContent [1] (urlPrefix*, http://localhost:80/wcsstore/ConsumerDirect/)
(secureURLPrefix, https://localhost:443/wcsstore/ConsumerDirect/)
(directory, ConsumerDirect)
(webServerHostName, localhost)
(webServerPort, 80)
(webServerSSLPort, 443)
(uriPrefix, /wcsstore/ConsumerDirect/)
(contextRoot, /wcsstore/)
(contextPath, /webapp/wcs/stores)
(urlMappingPath, /servlet)
(storeLevel, )
- inventorySystem [1] (inventorySystem*, ATP)
- shippingMode [number of allowed shipping modes for this store with default shipping mode being the first one in the list] (shippingModeDescription*, Express mail)
(shippngModeId, 10002)
(code, No Shipping)
(carrier, XYZ Carrier)
(field1, )
(field2, )
- analytics [1] (provider*, coremetrics)
(isEnabled, true)
- unitOfMeasure [number of available units for the whole site] (quantityUnitId*, 2U)
(quantityUnitDescription, megagram)
(field1, 0)
- emailActivities [1] (isConfigured*, true)
(outboundTime, 16:35)
- paymentType [number of payment types configured] (name*, VISA)
(identifier, 1001)
(shortDescription, VISA credit card)
(longDescription, VISA credit card accepted world-wide)
- country [number of countries configured] (countryAbbr*, US)
(name, United States)
- stateProvince [number of states and provinces configured] (stateProvAbbr*, NY)
(name, New York)
- availableIdentifiers [number of available identifiers] (*, store configuration: available identifier unquie Ids)
(, store configuration: supported languages)
(, store configuration: default language)
(, store configuration: supported currencies)
(, store configuration: default currency)
(, store configuration: fulfillment center)
(, store configuration: inventory system)
(, store configuration: shipping mode)
(, store configuration: static content information)
(, store configuration: analytics)
(, store configuration: unit of measure)
(, store configuration: e-mail activities)
(, store configuration: payment type)
(, store configuration: country)
(, store configuration: state and province)
* The PrimaryValue of ConfigurationAttribute element.
** Sample Values are user language preference sensitive. Values being shown assumed English as the language preference.
BOD Summary
Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder GetConfiguration /Configuration[ConfigurationIdentifier[(UniqueID='$uniqueId$')]] Find the configurations of supported languages, default languages, countries etc for the store in the current context. Request
ResponseInfrastructureFacadeClient.getConfiguration(String, String) InfrastructureFacadeClient.findConfigurationById(String) InfrastructureFacadeClient.getConfigurationValue(String, String) InfrastructureFacadeClient.getConfigurationValues(String, String) / findByUniqueID /Configuration Find all configurations using all available UniqueIDs for the current store in context. Request
ResponseInfrastructureFacadeClient.getConfiguration(String, String) / findAll
Access Profile
Access Profile Data Returned Description Sample XML Message
XSD files
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