Reference > WebSphere Commerce Web services > Gift Center
Noun GiftList
The GiftList noun is used to model both a gift registry and a wish list for a customer. The Registry element is used to determine whether the gift list being created is a wish list or a gift registry.
The GiftList noun contains the list of gift items the customer has requested. The GiftList noun also contains information about the gifting event, the registrants who own the gift list, a description of the gift list, access options, items purchased, event announcements made, and so on.
The store to which the gift list belongs is also captured in the noun and is given precedence over the store information in the business context. The user ID of the user creating the gift list is assumed to be set in the business context.
BOD Summary
Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder ChangeGiftList Add /GiftList[]/Item[] Adds items to the gift list. If the item already exists in the list, the quantity of the item is updated.
Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- The catalog entry ID or the part number of the catalog entry.
- The quantity of the item.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The catalog entry provided is not an item.
- The quantity requested is not valid.
- The quantity requested exceeds the maximum allowed quantity for an item.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/Item[] Updates an existing item in the gift list.
Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- The catalog entry ID or the part number of the catalog entry; or the gift list item ID.
- The quantity of the item. If the quantity is set to zero, the item is deleted.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The gift list item does not exist.
- The quantity requested is not valid.
- The quantity requested exceeds the maximum allowed quantity for an item.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Delete /GiftList[]/Item[] Deletes an item from the gift list.
Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- The catalog entry ID or the part number of the catalog entry; or the gift list item ID.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The gift list item does not exist.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/Description Updates the description of the gift list. To clear the existing description of the gift list, an empty string must be passed. Passing Null for an element will result in no change. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The length of the description exceeds the maximum allowed length set in the database.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/EventInformation Updates the event information for the gift list. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- If the pre-event address is updated, the pre-event shipping preference should be passed in the UserData field (preEventShippingPreference).
- If the post-event address is updated, the post-event shipping preference should be passed in the UserData field (postEventShippingPreference).
The pre-event or post-event shipping preference can be one of:
- R - Registrant
- C - Co-Registrant
- O - Other
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The shipping preference is not valid.
- The event date update caused a validation error in the GRREGRULE table.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/Registrant Updates the gift list registrant information. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
The registrant ID for the gift list is not mandatory because a gift list can have only one registrant. An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The registrant ID, if passed, is not valid.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Add /GiftList[]/CoRegistrant[] Adds a co-registrant to the gift list. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/CoRegistrant[] Updates the co-registrant information for the gift list. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- The unique ID of the co-registrant.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The co-registrant unique ID is not valid.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Delete /GiftList[]/CoRegistrant[] Deletes the specified co-registrant information from the gift list. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list unique ID or the external ID.
- The unique ID of the co-registrant.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The registrant ID, if passed, is not valid.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[]/AccessSpecifier Updates the access options for the gift list, which includes the guest access options, the manage access password, and the guest access password. Request
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) Change /GiftList[] Updates the state of the gift list and other noun-level details, excluding the Registry element. Request
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.changeGiftList(ChangeGiftListType) ProcessGiftList Create /GiftList[1] Creates a gift list for the user executing the request for the store provided in the noun. If the store information is not provided, the store ID in the context of the request is used.
The Registry element is used to determine whether the gift list being created is a wish list or a gift registry.Request
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.processGiftList(ProcessGiftListType) Authenticate /GiftList[1] Authenticates the gift list using the guest access password or the manage access password. If the user is authenticated using the manage access password, the user is provided co-registrant access to the gift list. If the user is authenticated using the guest access password, the user is provided gift giver access to the gift list.
The guest access password or manage access password are required if the user is to be authenticated by password. If both passwords are not provided, the service checks whether the gift list requires a password for granting guest access. The service also checks whether the user who owns the gift list is making a request to update the context with the registrant relationship with the gift list.Request
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.processGiftList(ProcessGiftListType) Announce /GiftList[1] Announces the gift list via e-mail using the e-mail template specified in the request. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list ID or the external ID.
- E-mail address of the sender.
- Name of the sender.
- Message to the recipient.
- E-mail addresses of the recipients.
The template to be used in the e-mail is specified using the _gft.template control parameter. The subject for the e-mail is specified using the _gft.subject control parameter. An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The template specified in the request does not resolve to a messaging view meant to compose the e-mail.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.processGiftList(ProcessGiftListType) Delete /GiftList[1] Deletes the gift list. The gift list ID or external ID is mandatory. Upon success, the gift list is marked for deletion in the database. Request
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.processGiftList(ProcessGiftListType) Complete /GiftList[1] This service checks if the gift list can be completed or not. The event date of the gift list should be passed to complete the gift list. Mandatory parameters are:
- The gift list ID or the external ID.
An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The gift list does not exist.
- The gift list cannot be completed because the event date is not passed or it has already been completed.
ResponseGiftCenterFacadeClient.processGiftList(ProcessGiftListType) GetGiftList IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems /GiftList[GiftListIdentifier[(UniqueID=)]] Gets the information for a gift list using the unique ID of the gift list.
The service request returns gift lists that the user executing the request has access to. A user has access to:
- Public gift lists.
- Gift lists the user owns.
- Gift lists for which the user has a co-registrant relationship by passing authentication.
- Protected gift lists for which the user has passed authentication.
ResponsefindGiftListByUniqueIDs IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems /GiftList[GiftListIdentifier[GiftListExternalIdentifier[(ExternalIdentifier=)]] Gets the information for a gift list using the external identifier of the gift list.
The service request returns gift lists that the user executing the request has access to. A user has access to:
- Public gift lists.
- Gift lists the user owns.
- Gift lists for which the user has a co-registrant relationship by passing authentication.
- Protected gift lists for which the user has passed authentication.
ResponsefindGiftListByExternalIdentifiers IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems /GiftList[Registrant[PersonIdentifier[UniqueID=]] and Registry=] Gets the information for a gift list based on the user ID of the registrant and the gift list type (wish list or gift registry).
If the user ID of the user executing the request is not the same as the user ID provided in the XPath, the service request returns only public gift lists and protected gift lists for which the user is authenticated to access.Request
ResponsefindGiftRegistriesForUser findWishListsForUser IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems /GiftList[Registrant[PersonIdentifier[UniqueID=]] and Registry= and (State=)] Gets the information for a gift list based on the user ID of the registrant, the gift list type (wish list or gift registry) and state of the gift list.
If the user ID of the user executing the request is not the same as the user ID provided in the XPath, the service request returns only public gift lists and protected gift lists for which the user is authenticated to access.Request
ResponsefindDefaultWishListForUser IBM_Store_Summary IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems /GiftList[AccessSpecifier[GuestAccessKey= or RegistryAccessKey=] and GiftListIdentifier[GiftListExternalIdentifier[ExternalIdentifier=]]] Gets the information for the gift list based on the gift list external ID and either of the access keys.
This service request is meant for authenticating a user for the gift list. If the guest access key is used, the user is authenticated as a gift giver. If the registry access key is used, the user is authenticated as a co-registrant. If there are no gift lists matching the criteria, this service request throws an exception. Use this XPath when the user needs to be authenticated for a gift list without having to enter the password. Typical usage is in the links shared via e-mail.Request
ResponseIBM_Store_Summary /GiftList[search()] Get the gift lists that match the search criteria. Request
ResponsefindGiftListsSearch findGiftListsSimilarSearch IBM_Store_GiftListItems /GiftList[GiftListIdentifier[GiftListExternalIdentifier[(ExternalIdentifier=)]]/Item This service returns a paginated list of items for the gift list based on the external identifier.
The service request returns results for gift lists that the user executing the request has access to. A user has access to:
- Public gift lists.
- Gift lists the user owns.
- Gift lists for which the user has a co-registrant relationship by passing authentication.
- Protected gift lists for which the user has passed authentication.
ResponsefindGiftListItemsByExternalIdentifier IBM_Store_GiftListAnnouncements /GiftList[GiftListIdentifier[GiftListExternalIdentifier[(ExternalIdentifier=)]]/Announcement This service returns a paginated list of gift list announcements made, based on the gift list external identifier.
The service request returns results for gift lists that the user executing the request has access to. A user has access to:
- Public gift lists.
- Gift lists the user owns.
- Gift lists for which the user has a co-registrant relationship by passing authentication.
- Protected gift lists for which the user has passed authentication.
ResponsefindGiftListAnnouncementsByExternalIdentifier IBM_Store_GiftListPurchaseRecords /GiftList[GiftListIdentifier[GiftListExternalIdentifier[(ExternalIdentifier=)]]/PurchaseRecord This service returns a paginated list of purchase records, based on the gift list external identifier.
The service request returns results for gift lists that the user executing the request has access to. A user has access to:
- Public gift lists.
- Gift lists the user owns.
- Gift lists for which the user has a co-registrant relationship by passing authentication.
- Protected gift lists for which the user has passed authentication.
Access Profile
Access Profile Data Returned Description Sample XML Message IBM_Store_Summary
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Description/Description
- /GiftList/Description/GuestMessage
- /GiftList/Description/UserData
- /GiftList/EventInformation/Event
- /GiftList/EventInformation/EventDate
- /GiftList/EventInformation/GiftCardAccepted
- /GiftList/EventInformation/UserData
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantID
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/StateOrProvinceName
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/Country
- /GiftList/Registrant/Relation
- /GiftList/Registrant/PersonIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/Registrant/PersonIdentifier/DistinguishedName
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantID
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/StateOrProvinceName
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/Country
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/Relation
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/PersonIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/PersonIdentifier/DistinguishedName
- /GiftList/AccessSpecifier/AccessSpecifier
- /GiftList/Registry
- /GiftList/OptForEmail
- /GiftList/State
- /GiftList/Location
- /GiftList/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/UserData
This access profile provides minimal data about a gift list. The typical usage of this access profile is in search. This access profile is open for all users and the data is not filtered. IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_Summary
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PreEventAddress/Attributes
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/EventInformation/PostEventAddress/Attributes
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/City
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/Registrant/RegistrantAddress/Attributes/@name
- /GiftList/Registrant/UserData
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/City
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/RegistrantAddress/Attributes/@name
- /GiftList/CoRegistrant/UserData
This access profile is designed to be used for the registrants or the co-registrants of the gift list. It provides detailed information about the gift list. The data returned by this access profile is filtered to prevent users who are neither the registrant nor a co-registrant of the gift list from viewing the data. IBM_Store_All IBM_Store_Details
- /GiftList/Item/GiftListItemID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/PartNumber
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityRequested
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityBought
- /GiftList/Item/Location
- /GiftList/Item/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/Item/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/Item/UserData
- /GiftList/Announcement/GiftListAnnouncementID
- /GiftList/Announcement/SentDate
- /GiftList/Announcement/SenderEmailAddress/Value
- /GiftList/Announcement/Message
- /GiftList/Announcement/SenderName
- /GiftList/Announcement/UserData
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaseRecordIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaseDate
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/Location
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/DateCreated
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/City
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/StateOrProvinceName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/Country
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Attributes/@name
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/Status
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/RegistrantMemo
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/NoteSent
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/UserData
This access profile is designed to be used for the registrants or the co-registrants of the gift list. It provides complete information about the gift list. The data returned by this access profile is filtered to prevent users who are neither the registrant nor a co-registrant of the gift list from viewing the data. IBM_Store_GiftListSummaryAndItems IBM_Store_Summary
- /GiftList/Item/GiftListItemID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/PartNumber
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityRequested
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityBought
- /GiftList/Item/Location
- /GiftList/Item/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/Item/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/Item/UserData
This access profile provides summary level data about a gift list along with items details. This access profile is open for all users and the data is not filtered. IBM_Store_GiftListAnnouncements
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Description/Description
- /GiftList/Description/GuestMessage
- /GiftList/Description/UserData
- /GiftList/AccessSpecifier/AccessSpecifier
- /GiftList/Announcement/GiftListAnnouncementID
- /GiftList/Announcement/SentDate
- /GiftList/Announcement/SenderEmailAddress/Value
- /GiftList/Announcement/Message
- /GiftList/Announcement/SenderName
- /GiftList/Announcement/UserData
- /GiftList/Registry
- /GiftList/OptForEmail
- /GiftList/State
- /GiftList/Location
- /GiftList/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/UserData
This access profile provides a paginated list of announcements made for a gift list. The data returned by this access profile is filtered to prevent users who are neither the registrant nor a co-registrant of the gift list from viewing the data. IBM_Store_GiftListItems
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Description/Description
- /GiftList/Description/GuestMessage
- /GiftList/Description/UserData
- /GiftList/AccessSpecifier/AccessSpecifier
- /GiftList/Item/GiftListItemID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Item/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/PartNumber
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityRequested
- /GiftList/Item/QuantityBought
- /GiftList/Item/Location
- /GiftList/Item/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/Item/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/Item/UserData
- /GiftList/Registry
- /GiftList/OptForEmail
- /GiftList/State
- /GiftList/Location
- /GiftList/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/UserData
This access profile provides a paginated list of items in a gift list. The data returned by this access profile is filtered to prevent users who are neither the registrant nor a co-registrant of the gift list from viewing the data. IBM_Store_GiftListPurchaseRecords
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/GiftListIdentifier/GiftListExternalIdentifier/StoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/@ownerID
- /GiftList/Description/Description
- /GiftList/Description/GuestMessage
- /GiftList/Description/UserData
- /GiftList/AccessSpecifier/AccessSpecifier
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaseRecordIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaseDate
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/Location
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/DateCreated
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactInfoIdentifier/UniqueID
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactName/LastName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/ContactName/FirstName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/AddressLine
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/City
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/StateOrProvinceName
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/Country
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Address/PostalCode
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Telephone1/Value
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/EmailAddress1/Value
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Fax1
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/MobilePhone1
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/PurchaserAddress/Attributes/@name
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/Status
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/RegistrantMemo
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/NoteSent
- /GiftList/PurchaseRecord/UserData
- /GiftList/Registry
- /GiftList/OptForEmail
- /GiftList/State
- /GiftList/Location
- /GiftList/CreatedTime
- /GiftList/LastUpdate
- /GiftList/UserData
This access profile provides a paginated list of purchases made for a gift list. The data returned by this access profile is filtered to prevent users who are neither the registrant nor a co-registrant of the gift list from viewing the data.
XSD files
Topic URL: _vcc_freeselect_bottom_