Reference > WebSphere Commerce Web services > Catalog
Noun CatalogGroup
CatalogGroup noun is used to model a catalog group (or category).
A catalog group represents a node in a catalog hierarchy or a tree. A node has a parent and can have zero or more child catalog groups or catalog entries. CatalogGroup noun is used by the Catalogs Tool at authoring time, and the store front at runtime.
BOD Summary
Access Profile and Expression Builder columns are for Get BOD only.
BOD Action Code / Access Profile Action Expression Service Provided Sample XML Message Client Library / Expression Builder ProcessCatalogGroup Create /CatalogGroup[i] Creates a new catalog group in the master or sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The external category identifier already exists.
- The target catalog is not specified.
- The parent category is not specified if the request is for creating a non top category.
- The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
- The parent category provided is not in the same catalog as the child category.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.processCatalogGroup(ProcessCatalogGroupType) Delete /CatalogGroup[i] Marks for delete a catalog group in the database.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The catalog group does not exist.
- The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
- The catalog group has child catalog groups in the master or sales catalog.
- The catalog group has child catalog entries in the master catalog.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.processCatalogGroup(ProcessCatalogGroupType) Link /CatalogGroup[i] Links catalog groups between a sales catalog and another sales or master catalog. The source catalog can be a sales or master catalog, but the target catalog must be a sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The target catalog is not a sales catalog.
- The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
LinkToParentCategoryResponse LinkAsTopCategoryRequest
LinkAsTopCategoryResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.processCatalogGroup(ProcessCatalogGroupType) UnLink /CatalogGroup[i] Removes links between catalog groups in a sales catalog and another sales or master catalog. The source catalog can be a sales or master catalog, but the target catalog must be a sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The target catalog is not a sales catalog.
- The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
UnLinkNonTopCategoryResponse UnLinkTopCategoryRequest
UnLinkTopCategoryResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.processCatalogGroup(ProcessCatalogGroupType) Copy /CatalogGroup[i] Duplicates a catalog group structure from a source master or sales catalog to the target sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The target catalog is not a sales catalog.
- The owner ID passed in the request BOD is different from the owner ID of the store in the context.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.processCatalogGroup(ProcessCatalogGroupType) ChangeCatalogGroup Change /CatalogGroup[i] Updates the following catalog group attributes in the master or sales catalog:
- field1
- field2
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Change /CatalogGroup[i]/CatalogGroupIdentifier Updates the identifier field of a catalog group in the master or sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The catalog group identifier submitted already exists for the given owner.
- The value of the catalog group identifier is blank or an empty string.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Change /CatalogGroup[i]/Description[i] Updates the description of a catalog group in the master or sales catalog. If the description to be updated is not found in the database, a new description is created. The description is locale-dependant data.
The following description fields can be updated using this action:
- Name
- Short description
- Long description
- Thumbnail image
- Full image
- Keyword
The following additional attributes can be changed:
- Published
- Note
Exceptions: An error results if the language ID provided is not supported in the given store.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Change /CatalogGroup[i]/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier Changes the parent of a catalog group or sets the given catalog group as the top-level catalog group in the master catalog. If the catalog group whose parent has to be changed does not have an existing parent, the new parent relationship is created.
Republishes the affected product sets of the parent and ancestors catalog groups where needed.
Changes the display sequence of a top-level catalog group under sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The catalog is a sales catalog and the catalog group provided is not a valid top-level catalog group in that sales catalog.
- The parent catalog group provided does not exist.
- The parent catalog group provided is not in the same catalog as the child catalog group.
- The parent catalog group provided causes a cycle in the master catalog.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Add /CatalogGroup[i]/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier Adds a new parent catalog group to a given catalog group in the sales catalog. Only the relation is created. More than one parent cannot be added to a given catalog group.
Sets a catalog group to a top-level catalog group in the sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The current catalog context is not a sales catalog.
- The parent catalog group to catalog group relationship already exists.
- The parent catalog group does not exist.
- The parent catalog group provided is not in the same catalog as the child catalog group.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Delete /CatalogGroup[i]/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier Deletes the parent catalog group of a catalog group in the sales catalog. Only the relation is removed.
Sets a catalog group to a non top-level catalog group in the sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The current catalog context is not a sales catalog.
- The parent catalog group to catalog group relationship does not exist in the given catalog.
- The catalog group which has to be changed to a non top-level catalog group is not a top-level catalog group.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Change /CatalogGroup[i]/NavigationRelationship[i] Changes the display sequence of the following relationships in the master or sales catalog:
- Parent catalog group to child catalog entry.
- Parent catalog group to child catalog group.
Exceptions: An error results when the parent child relationship being provided does not exist.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Add /CatalogGroup[i]/NavigationRelationship[i] Adds a child catalog group or child catalog entry to a given catalog group in the sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The current catalog context is not a sales catalog.
- The parent catalog group to child catalog group /catalog entry relationship already exists in the catalog.
- The child catalog entry or child catalog group provided does not exist in the catalog.
- The parent catalog group provided is not in the same catalog as the child category or child catalog entry.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) Delete /CatalogGroup[i]/NavigationRelationship[i] Deletes the child catalog group or child catalog entry of a given catalog group in the sales catalog.
Exceptions: An error results if one of the following conditions occurs:
- The current catalog context is not a sales catalog.
- The parent catalog group to child catalog group /catalog entry relationship does not exist in the catalog.
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.changeCatalogGroup(ChangeCatalogGroupType) GetCatalogGroup All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[@topCatalogGroup='true'] Get top level categories.
Returns the top-level categories for the catalog ID and store ID in the context.Request
ResponsegetTopCategoriesDetails All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
(UniqueID=$uniqueId$)]]Get Catalog Group by Unique ID.
Returns the catalog group for the given unique ID.Request
ResponsegetCatalogGroupSummaryByIDs getCatalogGroupSummaryByID getCatalogGroupDetailsByIDs getCatalogGroupDetailsByID getCatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociationsByID getCategoryWithChildrenCategories getCategoryWithChildrenCatalogEntries getCategoryWithAllChildren All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
GroupIdentifier=$groupIdentifier$)]]]Get Catalog Group by Identifier.
Returns the catalog group for the given identifier.Request
ResponsegetCatalogGroupSummaryByIdentifier getCatalogGroupDetailsByIdentifier getCatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociationsByIdentifier All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
and GroupIdentifier=$groupIdentifier$)]]]Get Catalog Group by Identifier and Member ID.
Returns the catalog group for the given identifier and member ID.Request
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.getCatalogGroup(GetCatalogGroupType) All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier[
GroupIdentifier=$groupIdentifier$)]]]Get child categories of a Catalog Group.
Returns the child categories for the given catalog group unique ID or identifier, under the catalog ID in the context.Request
ResponsegetCatalogGroupDetailsByParentCatalogGroupId All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[NavigationRelationship[
(UniqueID=$uniqueId$ and
$partNumber$ and type='child')]]]]]Get Parent Catalog Group(s) of Catalog Entry.
Returns the parent catalog groups for the given catalog entry unique ID or part number, under the catalog ID in the context.Request
ResponsegetParentCatalogGroupsOfCatentryById All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[NavigationRelationship[
(UniqueID=$uniqueId$ and
$groupIdentifier$ and type='child')]]]]]Get Parent Catalog Group(s) of Catalog Group.
Returns the parent catalog groups for the given catalog group unique ID or identifier, under the catalog ID in the context.Request
ResponseCatalogGroupFacadeClient.getCatalogGroup(GetCatalogGroupType) All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[search($searchCriteria$)] Catalog Group Search in catalog.
Returns the catalog group(s) that match the given search criteria, under the catalog ID in the context.
Search is case sensitive and can be performed using one field or combination of multiple fields as specified in the request expression.
The following fields can be used to specify search criteria.
- Catalog Group Identifier
- Catalog Group Name
- Catalog Group Short Description
ResponsefindAllCategoriesDetails All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[@salesCategories='true'
and search($searchCriteria$)]Catalog Group Search in all sales catalogs.
Returns the catalog groups in any sales catalogs that match the given search criteria, belonging to the store ID in the context.
Search is case sensitive and can be performed using one field or combination of multiple fields as specified in the request expression.
The following fields can be used to specify search criteria.
- Catalog Group Identifier
- Catalog Group Name
- Catalog Group Short Description
ResponsefindAllSalesCategoriesDetails All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[@allCategories='true'
and search($searchCriteria$)]Catalog Group Search in all catalogs.
Returns the catalog groups in any catalog, that match the given search criteria, belonging the store ID in the context.
Search is case sensitive and can be performed using one field or combination of multiple fields as specified in the request expression.
The following fields can be used to specify search criteria.
- Catalog Group Identifier
- Catalog Group Name
- Catalog Group Short Description
ResponsefindAllCategoriesDetailsBasicSearch All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[Association[
GroupIdentifier=$groupIdentifier$)]]]]]Get Merchandising Association Reference for Catalog Group.
Returns the catalog groups which reference the given catalog group unique ID or identifier through merchandising associations, in the store ID in the context.Request
ResponsegetCatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociationReferencesById IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupSalesCatalogReference /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
(UniqueID=$uniqueId$)]]Get Sales Catalog Reference for Catalog Group.
Returns information about all sales catalogs under the store ID in the context, which refer to the given catalog group unique ID. The sales catalog reference can be established, if the given catalog group is a top category or has a parent category in a catalog.
The sales catalog information is returned as a navigational relationship under the catalog group noun. The type of navigation relationship is 'child-parent'. The navigation path for the catalog group in each sales catalog is also returned.Request
ResponsegetCatalogGroupSalesCatalogReferencesById All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
(UniqueID=$catGroupId$)] and Description[Attributes[published=1]]]Get Catalog Group by Unique ID.
Returns the catalog group for the given unique ID.Request
ResponsegetPublishedCatalogGroupSummaryByIDs getPublishedCatalogGroupSummaryByID getPublishedCatalogGroupDetailsByIDs getPublishedCatalogGroupDetailsByID getPublishedCatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociationsByID getPublishedCategoryWithChildrenCategories getPublishedCategoryWithChildrenCatalogEntries getPublishedCategoryWithAllChildren All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[CatalogGroupIdentifier[
GroupIdentifier=$catGroupIdentifier$)]] and Description[Attributes[published=1]]]Get Catalog Group by Identifier.
Returns the catalog group for the given identifier.Request
ResponsegetPublishedCatalogGroupSummaryByIdentifier getPublishedCatalogGroupDetailsByIdentifier getPublishedCatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociationsByIdentifier All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[@topCatalogGroup='true' and Description[Attributes[published=1]]] Get top level categories.
Returns the top-level categories for the catalog ID and store ID in the context.Request
ResponsegetPublishedTopCategories All access profiles listed in the 'Access Profile' section that begin with 'IBM_Store' can be applied to this expression. /CatalogGroup[Description[Attributes[published=1]] and ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier[
Get child categories of a Catalog Group.
Returns the child categories for the given catalog group unique ID, under the catalog ID in the context.Request
Access Profile
Access Profile Data Returned Description Sample XML Message IBM_Admin_Summary
- /CatalogGroup(@displaySequence @topCataloggroup @navigationPath)
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/StoreIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/Name
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language/ThumbNail
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language/ShortDescription
- /CatalogGroup/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/ParentCatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the summary information of a category. IBM_Admin_Details IBM_Admin_Summary
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/LongDescription
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/FullImage
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/keyword
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/Attributes
- Following are the required Description Attributes:
- Note
- Published
- /CatalogGroup/Attributes
- Following are the required Catalog Group Attributes:
- Field1
- Field2
- DisplayTemplate
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the detailed information of a category. IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociations IBM_Admin_Details
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@AssociationCodeType @quantity @displaySequence @uniqueID)
- /CatalogGroup/AssociationName
- /CatalogGroup/Association/ AssociationCodeType
- /CatalogGroup/Association/CatalogGroupReference/(@navigationPath)
- /CatalogGroup/Association/CatalogGroupReference/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/Association/ CatalogGroupReference /CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/Association/ CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/Association/ CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier/GroupIdentifier
Here AssociationCodeType is 'MerchandisingAssociation'.
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the merchandising association of a category. IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelCatalogGroup IBM_Admin_Details
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference /CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the child categories of a category. IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelCatalogEntry IBM_Admin_Details
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode) /CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/PartNumber
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the child catalog entries and parent category of a category. It returns the parent category as a Navigation Relationship of the type "child-parent". IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelAll IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelCatalogGroup
IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelCatalogEntryThis access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the child catalog entries and child categories of a category. IBM_Admin_All IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociations
IBM_Admin_CatalogGroupNavRelAllThis access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns all details, merchandising associations, child categories and child catalog entries of a category. IBM_Store_Summary
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/Name
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language /ThumbNail
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language /ShortDescription
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the summary information of a category. IBM_Store_Details IBM_Store_Summary
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/FullImage
- /CatalogGroup/Description(@language)/LongDescription
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the basic information and detailed description of the catalog. IBM_Store_CatalogGroupMerchandisingAssociations IBM_Store_Details
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/Name
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/ AssociationCodeType
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/ CatalogGroupReference /CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/ CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/Association(@quantity @displaySequence)/ CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns the merchandising association of a category. IBM_Store_CatalogGroupCatalogGroupChildren IBM_Store_Details
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference /CatalogGroupIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence) /CatalogGroupReference/CatalogGroupIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/GroupIdentifier
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns children categories of a category. IBM_Store_CatalogGroupCatalogEntryChildren IBM_Store_Details
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/displayName
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode) /CatalogEntryIdentifier/UniqueID
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)
- /CatalogGroup/NavigationRelationship(@displaySequence)/ CatalogEntryReference(@catalogEntryTypeCode)/CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier(@ownerID)/PartNumber
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns children Catalog entries of a category. IBM_Store_CatalogGroupAllChildren IBM_Store_CatalogGroupCatalogGroupChildren
+ IBM_Store_CatalogGroupCatalogEntryChildren
This access profile is designed for the Catalogs tool. It returns all children Catalog entries of a category.
XSD files
- CatalogGroup.xsd
- CatalogCommon.xsd
- IdentifierTypes.xsd
- CommonTypes.xsd
- BaseTypes.xsd
- CommerceFoundation.xsd
Topic URL: _vcc_freeselect_bottom_