Develop > Presentation layer > Search engine optimization (SEO) > WebSphere Commerce integration with sitemaps
Customize sitemaps integration
The sitemap JSP file provided is a sample based on the ConsumerDirect and AdvancedB2BDirect starter stores, and can be used as-is if the store is not customized. If the store is customized, for example you have any URLs that contain additional parameters or if there are new commands or views that are not in the starter stores, update the sitemap JSP file in order to generate the correct URLs.
The following steps are performed by theĀ SitemapGenerate.cmd.
- Writes the content of the rendered JSP file to a temporary location. That is, creates a raw sitemap.
- Optional: Validates the content. If the value of the validation_ i parameter is true, then xsi:schemaLocation must be present in the JSP file, otherwise the command fails. The out-of-box command does XML validation given sitemap schema if the parameter validation is set to true. For example, if we run SitemapGenerateCmd?validation=true&..., and the generated sitemap contains the schema information shown below, the generated sitemap will be validated against the given schema.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <urlset xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps. org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> <url> ... </url> </urlset>
- Performs post-processing on the created raw sitemap, such as splitting a large sitemap into smaller ones with sitemap index files. If there is no split, sitemap_ storeId .xml.gz is generated. When there is a split, sitemap_ storeId .xml.gz is the index file and sitemap_ storeId_ i.xml.gz are the sitemap files. The sitemap files are numbered sequentially.
- Validates the created sitemaps. Since a sitemap can be split into smaller pieces plus an index file after post-processing (step 3), the validation is repeated to make sure that the split files and the generated index file are valid according to the given schemas.
- Adds the created sitemaps to the EAR file. The IEARUpdater Java class is called to update the EAR file so that all nodes are updated properly, and the master EAR (collapsed EAR) is updated as well.
- Sitemaps integration template
The Sitemap.jsp file is used to generate all of the URLs that to be indexed by a search engine, such as Google. It will generate It is located under each stores root for which you have generated a sitemap for example, WC_EAR /Stores.war.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce integration with sitemaps
Search engine optimization (SEO)
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