Tutorials > Contracts > Import and exporting contracts

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Import and exporting a contract using XML files

In this step of the tutorial, we will learn how to import and export contracts using the XML files that define those contracts, as well as some simple utilities supplied with WebSphere Commerce.

Export a contract

The ContractExport command is used to export a contract. The following parameters are required:

The following parameters are optional:

Similarly, business accounts can be exported by using the AccountExport command. The only different parameter is that acccountId is used instead of contractId.

Follow these steps to export a contract using the ContractExport command:


  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

  2. Open a SQL session to the database and type the following SQL command:


    If you are using Apache Derby, follow these steps:

    1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

    2. Open a browser and type the following URL: http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp.

    3. In the SQL window, paste the sql above

  3. Find the contractID of the contract you are trying to export

  4. Start the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:

    1. Open a Web browser

    2. Type the following link into the Web browser:

      • https:// host_name/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=common.mcLogon where host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce development environment Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.

    3. Enter the WebSphere Commerce user name and password. The default user name and password are both wcsadmin

  5. When the Select Store and Language page appears enter the following URL into the same window:

    https:// host_name:8000/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ContractExport?fileName= AFileNameofYourChoice.xml&contractId= TheIDoftheContract&all=false&langId=-1&xsdName=Package.xsd&URL=ContractDisplay

  6. On the computer, browse to the directory you specified the contract to be export to. You should see an XML file with the name you specified.

You have now exported a contract using the XML file that defines that contract.

Import a contract

There are two versions of the contract import command. ContractImportApprovedVersion is used to import contracts in the Active or Approved state. If the contract is in the Active state, then it is immediately deployed after the contract is imported. ContractImportDraftVersion is used for contracts in the Draft state. You can continue making changes to the Draft contract until it is ready to be submitted and deployed. The following mandatory parameters are required for both commands:

The following parameters can also be specified:

To re-import a contract, some small modifications need to be made. If you are modifying a contract, you should increase the majorVersionNumber or minorVersionNumber, or both, while keeping the contract name, owner, and origin the same. The name, owner, and origin of a contract define a set of the same contract (referred to as a family). If the family is the same, but the version numbers are different, then, when the new contract is deployed and becomes Active, the old version of the contract is automatically moved to the Closed state. To have a completely new contract, then change the name of the contract.

Additionally, some terms and conditions contain unique names that need to be modified when you re-import a contract. The name of custom price lists and custom product sets must be unique, and they need to be changed when you re-import a contract.

Similarly, business accounts can be imported by using the AccountImport command. There is only one version of the account import command because business accounts do not have different states.

Follow these steps to import a contract using either the ContractImportApprovedVersion or ContractImportDraftVersion commands:

  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

  2. Open a SQL session to the database and type the following SQL command:


    If you are using Apache Derby, follow these steps:

    1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.

    2. Open a browser and type the following URL: http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp.

    3. In the SQL window, paste the sql above

  3. Find the store ID of the store into which to import the contract.

  4. Start the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator

    1. Open a Web browser

    2. Type the following link into the Web browser:

      • https:// host_name/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=common.mcLogon where host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce development environment Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.

    3. Enter the WebSphere Commerce user name and password. The default user name and password are both wcsadmin

  5. When the Select Store and Language window opens type the following URL into the same window:

https:// host_name:8000/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ContractImportApprovedVersion?fileName= AfileNameyouChoose.xml&targetStoreId= theIDyouFoundInStep3&xsd=true&validate=true&URL=ContractDisplay

If to import a contract in the Draft state, then replace the ContractImportApprovedVersion part of the URL above with ContractIMportDraftVersion.

You have now imported a contract using the ContractImportApprovedVersion or ContractImportDraftVersion commands.


In this tutorial you learned that there are two methods to import and export contracts: Using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, and using the XML files that define the contract. In the first step you learned that contracts are based on the XSD format, and that the import utilities described in step 3 can import both DTD and XSD formatted contracts although the Commerce Accelerator can only import contracts formatted as XSD. You also learned that the default location for the XML files was WC_EAR\xml\trading\xml. Finally, you learned in the first step that the content of the XML files contains a root called Package, and that nodes that end in Ref are references to already existing commerce objects. In the second step you learned that you can import and export contracts using the Commerce Accelerator. Finally, in the third step you learned that the ContractImportApprovedVersion ContractImportDraftVersion, and ContractExport commands can be used to import and export the XML files that define contracts.

The final topic in this tutorial, explores an optional HTML utility you can use to simplify importing and exporting contracts.

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