Samples > Starter stores > Starter store enhancements > Remote widgets
Task flow: Remote widget setup and implementation
To develop and test remote widgets on the Madisons storefront for e-Marketing Spots, wish lists, and gift registries, there are a number of tasks to perform. Refer to these checklist to understand the tasks and the order in which to perform them.
Set up and affiliate account with KickApps.
If you plan to use KickApps to create and host remote widgets, set up an affiliate account with KickApps.
Install Feature Pack 1
(Installer/Administrator) Install WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 1, which installs the remote widgets feature.
Enable Feature Pack 1 starter store enhancements
(Installer/Administrator) Run the enablement scripts for Feature Pack 1 starter store enhancements.
Publish the Madisons starter store
(Installer/Administrator) You must publish the Madisons.sar store archive after you install WebSphere Commerce Version 7.0 fix pack 1 or later. When you install the fix pack, a new version of the Madisons.sar file containing the latest fixes plus necessary extension points for remote widgets installs on the machine. Remote widgets features will not work properly with earlier versions of the Madisons starter store.
Publish the MadisonsEnhancements.sar file
(Installer/Administrator) Publish the MadisonsEnhancements.sar file on top of the Madisons starter store to add the remote widgets features to the store.
Optional: Publish the IBM Gift Center for Madisons sample add-on store archive
(Installer/Administrator) To work with gift registry remote widgets, also publish the IBM Gift Center for Madisons sample add-on store archive on top of the Madisons starter store.
Select remote widget change flow options
(Administrator) In WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, select the change flow options for remote widgets that to add to the Madisons starter store.
Configure WebSphere Commerce to communicate with KickApps for remote widgets
(Administrator) If you set up a KickApps affiliate account, configure a transport method using the affiliate account information in the Administration Console. WebSphere Commerce requires this account information to support KickApps integration in the Madisons starter store and Management Center. If you are not using KickApps to create and host remote widgets, this configuration is not required.
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