Reference > Payments subsystem > Payment plug-in specification
Payment plug-in containers class diagram
The Payment plug-in containers class diagram shows the relationships between the following objects: PaymentInstruction, Payment, Credit, FinancialTransaction and ExtendedData.
A PaymentInstruction container has zero or more Payment and Credit containers.
A PaymentInstruction container has one and only one ExtendedData container.
A Payment container is associated with one and only one PaymentInstruction container.
A Credit container is associated with one and only one PaymentInstruction container.
A Payment container is associated with zero or more FinancialTransaction containers.
A Credit container is associated with zero or more FinancialTransaction containers.
A FinancialTransaction container is associated with either a Payment container or a Credit container.
A FinancialTransaction container has one and only one ExtendedData containers. The PPCEXTDATA table stores extended data from a FinancialTransaction. The PPCEXTDATA.PPCPAYTRAN_ID column is a foreign key to the PPCPAYTRAN table.