Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Customize WebSphere Commerce Payments > VisaNet overview > VisaNet command reference

VisaNet object reference

The object model of the Cassette for VisaNet closely reflects the generic model of the WebSphere Commerce Payments. This section describes each of the cassette extensions to the various framework objects, as well as new objects defined exclusively by the cassette.

The WebSphere Commerce Payments query command set allows merchant software to search for and retrieve the data objects maintained in the WebSphere Commerce Payments database. The results of each query call are returned in the form of an XML PSApiResult document. Cassette for VisaNet object extensions appear in these documents as extensions to the generic objects of the framework.

Financial objects used by Cassette for VisaNet

Each of the framework's generic financial objects is extended by the Cassette for VisaNet.

VisaNet Order

Field name Description
expiry The Credit or Debit card's expiration date in the form YYYYMM as specified on the AcceptPayment command. This value is always present.
pan The Credit or Debit card number as specified on the AcceptPayment command. This value is always present.
numberOfPayments The number of payments associated with this order. This field is used only if the order has recurring payments or installments associated with it.
avsPostalCode Specifies the cardholder's 5- or 9-digit postal code for the Address Verification Service.
purchaseOrderNumber The purchase order number as specified on the AcceptPayment command.
avsStreet Specifies the cardholder's street address for the Address Verification Service. The combination of street address and postal code cannot exceed a length of 24 characters for VisaNet.
cvv2 Card Verification Value that is used to assist in authenticating the physical presence of a card.
taxExemptIndicator Indicates that the order is tax exempt, that is, no taxes are applied to the order.
localTaxAmount The total amount of local tax applied to the order.
nationalTaxAmount The total amount of national tax (sales or VAT) applied to the order.
customReferenceNumber A reference number assigned to the order by the Cardholder.
secureConnection Returns value of the $SECURECONNECTION parameter.

VisaNet Order object XML example

This XML example shows an Order object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="3" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">    
<OrderCollection size="3" withCredits="0" withPayments="0">        
<PSOrder ID="O:123456789:33" amount="7500" amountExp10="-2" 
approvesAllowed="1" currency="840" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789" merchantOriginated="1" numberOfCredits="0" 
numberOfPayments="0" orderNumber="33" paymentType="VisaNet"
state="order_refundable" timeStampCreated="968460959000" 
timeStampModified="968461231000" unapprovedAmount="0">            
<CassetteProperty propertyId="numberOfPayments" value="1">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="expiry" value="200411">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="pan" value="4111111111111111">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsPostalCode" value="27511">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsStreet" value="123 Memory Lane">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="cvv2" value="529">                
<PSOrder ID="O:123456789:34" amount="4399" amountExp10="-2" 
approvesAllowed="1" currency="840" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789" merchantOriginated="1" numberOfCredits="0" 
numberOfPayments="0" orderNumber="34" paymentType="VisaNet"
state="order_refundable" timeStampCreated="968461024000" 
timeStampModified="968461279000" unapprovedAmount="0">            
<CassetteProperty propertyId="numberOfPayments" value="1">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="expiry" value="200207">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="pan" value="4060667755430966">                
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsPostalCode" value="23411">                    
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsStreet" value="111 Main Street">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="cvv2" value="703">                        
<PSOrder ID="O:123456789:35" amount="15688" amountExp10="-2" 
approvesAllowed="1" currency="840" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789" merchantOriginated="1" numberOfCredits="0" 
numberOfPayments="0" orderNumber="35" paymentType="VisaNet"
state="order_refundable" timeStampCreated="968461103000" 
timeStampModified="968461103000" unapprovedAmount="15688">                    
<CassetteProperty propertyId="numberOfPayments" value="1">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="expiry" value="200309">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="pan" value="7655343434987987834">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsPostalCode" value="29645">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsStreet" value="27 Lombard Street">                        
<CassetteProperty propertyId="cvv2" value="1234">                        

VisaNet Payment

Field name Description
paySequenceNum The sequence number that this payment represents in the total count of installment payments being made. The VisaNet Order table contains the total count of installment payments associated with the order.
cvv2ResultCode CVV2 Result code returned in the Authorization Response.
paymentNumber The number assigned to this payment.
validationCode May contain specific information generated by the card issuer.
authResponseCode The status of the authorization request. An AuthResponseCode of "00" indicates approval. An AuthResponseCode of "85" indicates successful card verification and approval. All other codes indicate non-approval.
avsResultCode The AVS code received from the acquirer for this payment. This field will be present only when the VisaNet host returns an avs-code value for this payment.
approvalCode The approval code received from the acquirer for this payment.
localTrxTime Time calculated by the authorization center using the time zone differential. The time format is HH:MM:SS.
orderNumber The WebSphere Commerce Payments order number.
trxSequenceNum Cassette-generated transaction sequence number.
merchantNumber The WebSphere Commerce Payments merchant number.
retrievalRefNum The transaction's Retrieval Reference Number.
authResponseText Authorization response message. This message contains additional information about the authorization result.
localTrxDate Date calculated by the authorization center using the time zone differential. The date format is MMDDYY.
returnedACI The Returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator. This value provides information concerning the transaction's CPS qualification status.
authSourceCode Source of the authorization code.
transactionID May contain a Visa Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number.
commonAVSCode Common Address Verification Service result code.
taxExemptIndicator Indicates that the order is tax exempt, that is, no taxes are applied to the order.
localTaxAmount The total amount of local tax applied to the order.
nationalTaxAmount The total amount of national tax (sales or VAT) applied to the order.
customReferenceNumber A reference number assigned to the order by the Cardholder

Payment object XML Example

This XML example shows a VisaNet Payment object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="2" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<PaymentCollection size="2" withOrders="0">
<PSPayment ID="P:123456789:33:1" amountExp10="-2" approveAmount="7500" 
batchNumber="4" currency="840" depositAmount="7500" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789" orderNumber="33" paymentNumber="1" 
paymentType="VisaNet" referenceNumber="123456789012" state="payment_deposited"
timeStampCreated="968461230000" timeStampModified="968461363000">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="commonAVSCode" value="0">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="paySequenceNum" value="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="paymentNumber" value="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseCode" value="00">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsResultCode" value="X">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="approvalCode" value="222222">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="localTrxTime" value="123000">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="orderNumber" value="33">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="trxSequenceNum" value="0001">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="retrievalRefNum" value="123456789012">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseText" value="Order Approved!!">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="localTrxDate" value="070400">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="returnedACI" value="A">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="returnedACI" value="A">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authSourceCode" value="9">
<PSPayment ID="P:123456789:34:1" amountExp10="-2" approveAmount="4399"
currency="840" depositAmount="0" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789" orderNumber="34" paymentNumber="1" 
paymentType="VisaNet" referenceNumber="123456789012"
state="payment_approved" timeStampCreated="968461249000" 
<CassetteProperty propertyId="commonAVSCode" value="0">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="paySequenceNum" value="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="paymentNumber" value="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseCode" value="00">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="avsResultCode" value="X">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="approvalCode" value="222222">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="localTrxTime" value="123000">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="orderNumber" value="34">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="trxSequenceNum" value="0002">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="retrievalRefNum" value="123456789012">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authResponseText" value="Order Approved!!">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="localTrxDate" value="070400">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="returnedACI" value="A">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="authSourceCode" value="9">

VisaNet Credit

Field name Description
transactionTime The local system time when the Credit was created. The format is "HHMMSS."
transactionDate The local system date when the Credit was created. The format is "MMDD."

VisaNet Credit object XML example

This XML example shows a Credit object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<CreditCollection size="1" withOrders="0">
<PSCredit ID="C:123456789:34:1" amount="1500" amountExp10="-2" 
batchNumber="4" creditNumber="1" currency="840" merchantAccount="1" 
merchantNumber="123456789"  orderNumber="34" paymentType="VisaNet" 
referenceNumber="0908,210118" state="credit_refunded"
timeStampCreated="968461279000" timeStampModified="968461279000">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="transactionTime" value="210118">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="transactionDate" value="0908">

VisaNet Batch

Field name Description
batchErrorData If a batch response indicates "RB" for rejected batch, this field contains error information that can be useful in identifying and correcting the "RB" condition.
batchRspCode The status of the batch returned from the financial institution. The responses returned, are:

  • "GB" for Good Batch

  • "QD" for Duplicate Batch

  • "RB" for Rejected Batch.

batchTransDate The batch transmission date, in the format of MMDD. This date is generated by the cassette and sent in the settlement message.
vitalBatchNumber The Cassette generated value in the range of 001-999.
currencyCode The currency code of the Batch.

Batch object XML example

This XML example shows a Batch object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="2" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<BatchCollection size="2" withCredits="0" withPayments="0">
<PSBatch ID="B:123456789:3" batchNumber="3" batchStatus="batch_not_yet_balanced"
 forceAllowed="0" merchantAccount="1" merchantControl="1" merchantNumber="123456789"
 paymentType="OfflineCard" purgeAllowed="1" state="batch_open" timeStampClosed="0"
 timeStampModified="968275527000" timeStampOpened="968275527000">
<BatchTotalCollection size="1">
<PSBatchTotal amountExp10="-2" creditAmount="0" currency="840" numberOfCredits="0"
 numberOfPayments="1" paymentAmount="7500">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="Currency" value="840">
<PSBatch ID="B:123456789:4" batchNumber="4" batchStatus="batch_not_yet_balanced"
 forceAllowed="0" merchantAccount="1" merchantControl="1" merchantNumber="123456789"
 paymentType="VisaNet" purgeAllowed="1" state="batch_open" timeStampClosed="0"
 timeStampModified="968461363000" timeStampOpened="968461278000">
<BatchTotalCollection size="1">
<PSBatchTotal amountExp10="-2" creditAmount="1500" currency="840" 
numberOfCredits="1" numberOfPayments="1" paymentAmount="7500">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="currencyCode" value="840">

Administrative objects used by Cassette for VisaNet

The Cassette for VisaNet uses and extends these framework objects for WebSphere Commerce Payments administration:

Each administrative object is defined by its attributes, or fields. The field names and field descriptions are shown for each administrative object.


Field name Description
hostName The TCP/IP host name to access the Vital host.
portNumber The TCP/IP port number to access the Vital host.
fhmsHostName The TCP/IP host name used to access the FHMS host.
fhmsAuthPortNumber The TCP/IP port number to access the FHMS host for authorizations.
fhmsBatchPortNumber The TCP/IP port number to access the FHMS host for settlement.
vitalURL The URL used to access the Vital SSL Gateway.
fhmsURL The URL used to access the FHMS SSL Gateway.
socksHostName TCP host address for SOCKS server.
socksPortNumber TCP port number for SOCKS server.
maxAttempts The maximum number of retry sets. The default is 3.
attemptInterval The number of seconds to wait before trying the next set of retries. The default is 60 seconds (1 minute).
readTimeout The number of seconds to wait before trying to read from the host. Applies to SSL only.
maxRetries The maximum number of retries reading from the host. Applies to SSL only.

Cassette object XML example

This XML example shows a CassetteAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<PSCassette active="1" cassette="VisaNet" changesPending="0"
 companyPkgName="ibm" enabled="1" valid="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="maxAttempts" value="3">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="socksHostName" value="">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="attemptInterval" value="60">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="hostName" value="localhost">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="portNumber" value="1234>
<CassetteProperty propertyId="socksPortNumber" value="0">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="maxRetries" value="3">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="readTimeout" value="30">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="fhmsHostName" value="">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="fhmsAuthPortNumber" value="">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="fhmsBatchPortNumber" value="">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="fhmsURL" 
<CassetteProperty propertyId="vitalURL" value="">


Field name Description
accountNumber The WebSphere Commerce Payments account number.
acquirerBin A 6-digit field containing the Visa assigned Bank Identification Number (BIN) issued by the merchant's member bank or processor.
agentBankNumber Identifies the agent of the acquirer which signed the merchant. This value is provided to the merchant by the acquirer.
agentChainNumber A 1-6 digit field containing a specific chain of an agent organization. Assigned by the merchant's bank or processor.
merchantNumber The WebSphere Commerce Payments merchant number.
storeNumber A 1-4 digit field containing a number assigned by the signing member, processor, or merchant to identify a specific merchant store within the VisaNet system.
terminalNumber A 1-4 digit field containing a number assigned by the signing member, processor, or merchant to identify a unique terminal within a merchant location.
communicationHost A 1-5 character field identifying the host with which this account is communicating. Valid values are VITAL or FHMS.
fhmsMerchantID The 1-12 digit Merchant ID assigned by FHMS. If a value is assigned to this field, the value will override the $VISANETMERCHANTNUMBER defined in the Merchant Cassette Settings (PaySystemAdmin object).

This XML example shows a AccountAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<PSMerchantAccount active="1" apApproveFlag="0" apDepositFlag="0" cassette="VisaNet"
 changesPending="0" enabled="1" financialInstName="My Bank" merchantAccount="1"
 merchantAccountName="My Account" merchantNumber="123456789" valid="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="agentChainNumber" value="444545">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="accountNumber" value="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="acquirerBin" value="222222">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="terminalNumber" value="5656">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="agentBankNumber" value="222333">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="storeNumber" value="5646">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="batchSequenceNumber" value="0">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="communicationHost" value="FHMS">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="fhmsMerchantID" value="192000950">


Each PaySystem represents configuration data that are different for each merchant, but common across all accounts for the given merchant. The following describes the VisaNet PaySystem data:

Field name Description
merchantLocation An 11-character merchant location. This is a field that contains a customer service phone number in xxx-xxxxxxx format. The dash is required.
countryCode A 3-digit number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify a merchant's location country or region.
cityCode Used to further identify the merchant location. Within the U.S., the 5- or 9-digit zip code of the address of the store location is used. Outside the U.S., this field will be assigned by the signing member or processor.
visaNetMerchantNumber The 1-12 digit Merchant number assigned by the merchant's bank or processor.
industryCode A 3-digit number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify a merchant's location country or region.
visaNetMerchantName A 1-25 character string. The merchant name provided by the signing member or processor.
vNumber Contains a number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify a POS device tracking number.
timeZoneDifferential A 3-digit code used to calculate the local time within the VisaNet authorization system. The differential is calculated by the signing member or processor, providing the standard local time zone differential from GMT.
merchantCategoryCode A 1-4 digit field containing a number assigned by the signing member or processor to identify a merchant's industry classification.

This XML example shows a PaySystemAdmin object and its cassette extensions:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PSApiResult objectCount="1" primaryRC="0" secondaryRC="0">
<PSMerchantCassetteSettings active="1" cassette="VisaNet" changesPending="0"
 enabled="1" merchantNumber="123456789" valid="1">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="visaNetMerchantNumber" value="132168461534">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantLocation" value="213-1231234">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="countryCode" value="840">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="visaNetMerchantName" value="myMerchant">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="timeZoneDifferential" value="705">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="cityCode" value="90210">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantState" value="CA">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="industryCode" value="D">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="vNumber" value="00000009">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantNumber" value="123456789">
<CassetteProperty propertyId="merchantCategoryCode" value="9876">

Address Verification Service (AVS) result codes

When Address Verification Services (AVS) are requested on an AcceptPayment or a ReceivePayment command, subsequent approvals will reflect the results of the AVS check by storing the associated AVS result code in the Payment object. Since other credit card-oriented cassettes also support AVS, but may use different result codes, the WebSphere Commerce Payments framework provides a set of common AVS result codes that can be used by any cassette that supports AVS. These common codes relieve merchant software from having to be aware of which cassette is being used. For more information about Address Verification Services, see Overview of VisaNet.

The following table illustrates the way the Cassette for VisaNet maps the VisaNet-specific AVS result codes to the WebSphere Commerce Payments framework's common AVS codes. Note that the VisaNet AVS result codes (defined in the left-most column) are sometimes returned as two letters (for example, both the letter X and the letter Y can be returned on a complete AVS match).

VisaNet AVS result code (returned from acquirer) WebSphere Commerce Payments common AVS result code Explanations
X 0 Both the postal code (that is, the AVS 5-digit and 9-digit) and the street address match.
Y 0 Both the postal code (that is, the AVS 5-digit and 9-digit) and the street address match.
A 1 The street address matches, but the postal code does not match.
W 2 The 5-digit or 9-digit postal codes matches, but the street address does not match.
Z 2 The 5-digit or 9-digit postal codes matches, but the street address does not match.
N 3 Neither the street address nor the postal code matches.
R 4 This constant maps:

  • Address information unavailable

  • System unavailable (maybe due to timeout)

  • Card type not supported

  • Transaction ineligible AVS return codes

S 4 This constant maps:

  • Address information unavailable

  • System unavailable (maybe due to timeout)

  • Card type not supported

  • Transaction ineligible AVS return codes

U 4 This constant maps:

  • Address information unavailable

  • System unavailable (maybe due to timeout)

  • Card type not supported

  • Transaction ineligible AVS return codes

E 4 This constant maps:

  • Address information unavailable

  • System unavailable (maybe due to timeout)

  • Card type not supported

  • Transaction ineligible AVS return codes

G 4 Non-US card issuer that does not participate in AVS.


The query command results will contain both the common as well as the cassette-specific codes.

Related concepts

VisaNet overview

Cassette for VisaNet


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