Tutorials > Management Center > Track and displaying the most viewed recipes
Verify the customization in the storefront
In this lesson, you test the new function you customized for the most viewed recipes.
- Modify the configuration file.
- Modify WCDE_INSTALL/workspace_dir/WC/xml/config/wc-server.xml with the following changes:
- <Marketing version="Dialog"/>
- <PersistentSession cookieExpiry="30" display="false" enable="true"/>
- <PersonalizationId enable="true"/>
<component compClassName="com.ibm.commerce.marketing.dialog.trigger.SensorEventListener" enable="true" name="SensorEventListener"> <property display="false"> <start enabled="true"/> </property> </component>
<component compClassName="com.ibm.commerce.marketingcenter.events.runtime.ExperimentEvaluationECEventListenerImpl" enable="true" name="Experiment Evaluation Event Listener"> <property display="false"> <start enabled="true"/> </property> </component>
- Start the server. If it is already started, restart the server.
- Create a new Web activity with the customized action.
In this step, you create an e-Marketing Spot, then create a Web activity containing this e-Marketing Spot.
- Open the Management Center Marketing tool.
- Create a new e-Marketing spot named TopBrowsedRecipe.
The new e-Marketing spot name must be TopBrowsedRecipe, as it is the same value as emsName defined in RecipeRankingsDisplay.jsp.
- Create a new Web activity with the new e-Marketing Spot just created for the new customized action.
- Activate the new Web activity.
- Navigate the storefront and viewing the results for the most viewed Recipes.
In this step, you execute two schedules to quickly generate the ranking list data. Otherwise, you cannot see the results after you browse the recipes.
- Navigate to the storefront:
- Click Recipes on the category bar. The corresponding Recipe Collections page is displayed.
- Click Western Foods on the recipe collections page to display the Western Foods collection page.
This is the collection page where select the TopBrowsedRecipe e-Marketing Spot you created. In this tutorial, it is the Western Foods collection page.
- Browse the Penne pasta Salad recipe more than twice.
- Browse the Delicious Grilled Ham and Cheese Sandwich recipe more than twice.
- Log onto the Administration Console using the wcsadmin user:
- Execute the following scheduler to persist the browsed data into the DMRANKINGSTAT table:
- https://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SaveMarketingStatistics
The resulting page should be a blank page containing no errors. For more information about working with the scheduler, see Edit the configuration for a scheduled job.
- Enter the following URL:
- Execute the following SQL statement to allow the next scheduler command to generate data in the corresponding table:
delete from dmactattr;
- On the Administration Console address bar, execute the following scheduler to generate the ranking list data to the DMRANKINGITEM table:
- https://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SendMarketingTriggers
The resulting page should be a blank page containing no errors.
- Browse the Recipe Collections page again. The top viewed Recipes are displayed on the right sidebar of the page:
Related concepts
Rank list framework for marketing actions
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