Tutorials > Management Center > Add a Recipes tool to the Management Center
Model the Recipe noun to Management Center object definitions
In this lesson, we will model the noun, using Management Center object definitions.
In the Management Center tools, business objects contain data. In WebSphere Commerce v7 and WebSphere Commerce v7 Feature Pack 1, a business object definition class is a subclass of wcfObjectDefinition. Starting in WebSphere Commerce v7 Feature Pack 2, a business object definition is a definition that extends wcfObjectDefinition. Business objects have relationships and can be modeled in UML to review and determine the correct model. The business object relations are modeled according to the noun in service module. The following UML diagram describes the Recipes tool:
- Recipe and Recipe Collection
- These are 2 primary objects in recipe tool that represent 2 main concepts in this tool. ChildRecipe is parent reference object, which is used to build parent-child relationship between them. They are in 1 to n relationship, which means one recipe collection can have multiple recipes, while one recipe can only belong to one recipe collection. It is same as the relationship between Catalog group and Catalog.
- RecipeDescription, Ingredients, RecipeInstruction and RecipeAssociation
- These are four child objects of Recipe, which represent the recipe description, the ingredients of a recipe, the instructions to complete a recipe, and the tools used in a recipe. Ingredients and RecipeInstruction have their own description as child objects. RecipeAssociation builds a reference relationship with CatalogEntry. Ingredients also builds a reference relationship with CatalogEntry.
- RecipeCollection
- RecipeCollection only has one child object, RecipeCollection Description.
- RecipeCollectionTopObject, UnassignedRecipeNode, RecipeCollectionNode
- These objects are either organization objects or top objects, which are used to build the navigation tree in the Recipes tool. RecipeCollectionTopObject is the top object for the tool. It is the root node of the navigation tree in the UI and is not visible. Its role is to return the first level of nodes in the tree using GetChildrenServices. It does not have a server side representation. UnassignedRecipeNode is an organizational object and does not have a server side representation. This object is meant as a way of categorizing the recipes. The UnassignedRecipeNodeobject groups all recipes that are not part of collection. RecipeCollectionNode is also an organizational object and does not have a server side representation. This object is meant as a way of categorizing the recipes. The RecipeCollectionNode object groups all recipes by collection. This object's GetChildrenServices return RecipeCollection objects.
These names of Management Center business objects might not be the same as noun names or the schema. The following table shows the mapping between UI business object with schema or Noun.
Term used in UI Term used in DB schema/Noun Recipe Project Recipe description ProjectDescription Ingredients ProjectMaterial DescriptionOfIngredient ProjectMaterialDesc RecipeInstruction ProjInstr RecipeInstructionDescription ProjInstrDesc RecipeCollection ProjectCollection RecipeCollectionDescription ProjectCollectionDesc