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Management Center modeling guidelines for extended sites

Each of the Management Center tools is modeled with support for extended sites. These guidelines describe how to model object definitions within an extended sites-enabled tool.

Objects within an extended sites-enabled tool can be local or inherited. A local object is an object that is owned by the currently selected store and an inherited object is an object that is owned by a referenced asset store.

To distinguish between local and inherited objects, the Management Center requires two object definitions - one for the local object and one for the inherited object. Since local primary business objects and inherited primary business objects are modeled as two separate object definitions in the extended sites store, duplicate all object definitions that are inherited from the asset store.

There are three types of related object definitions: a base object definition, local object definition, and inherited object definition. The base object definition is used to create a common ancestor for all object types. Set both the base and inherited object definitions to createable="false" so that the user interface prevents you from creating objects of that type.

When modeling object definitions in a tool, ensure that you:


The following sample code illustrates how to model extended sites business objects. The catalog group object definitions in this example demonstrate the typical method for modeling local and inherited object definitions. For example:

<wcfRegisterObjectDefinition objectType="BaseCatalogGroup" objectDefinitionClass="catBaseCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition"/> 
<!--- This class defines the base object from which CatalogGroup and Inherited CatalogGroup are derived. 
<class name="catBaseCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition" extends="wcfPrimaryObjectDefinition" 

<!--- Property Definition for the identifier property of the category --> 
<wcfPropertyDefinition displayName="${catalogResources.categoryCode_DisplayName.string}" propertyName="identifier" type="string" required="true" maximumSize="254"/> 
<!--- Property Definition for the field1 property of the category --> 
<wcfPropertyDefinition displayName="${catalogResources.categoryField1_DisplayName.string}" propertyName="field1" type="string" maximumSize="254"/> 

Property definition for the available objects which reference this category. 
The list includes sales catalogs, merchandising associations and promotions. 
<wcfPropertyDefinition propertyName="referenceType"> 
<wcfPropertyValue displayName="${catalogResources.salesCatalogReference.string}" value="SalesCatalogs"/> 
<wcfPropertyValue displayName="${catalogResources.merchandisingAssociationReference.string}" value="MerchandisingAssociations"/> 
<wcfPropertyValue displayName="${catalogResources.promotionReference.string}" value="Promotions"/> 

<!--- Refresh Service to refresh this category. Calling this will fetch the category's details again from the server. 
<wcfRefreshService url="/cmc/GetCatalogGroup"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId" /> 
<wcfServiceParam name="masterCatalogStoreId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" /> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catgroupId" propertyName="catgroupId"/> 

Retrieves the {@link catCatalogGroupDescription} child objects. 
<wcfGetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetCatalogGroupChildren-LanguageDescriptions" objectTypes="CatalogGroupDescription"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog"/> 

<!--- Retrieves the {@link catChildCatalogGroup} child objects. 
<wcfGetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetCatalogGroupChildren-CatalogGroup" objectTypes="ChildCatalogGroup"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="defaultLanguageId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" /> 

<!--- Retrieves the {@link catChildProduct}, 
{@link catChildCatalogGroupSKU}, 
{@link catChildBundle} and 
{@link catChildKit} child objects. 
<wcfGetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetCatalogGroupChildren-CatalogEntry" 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="defaultLanguageId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" /> 
Retrieves the {@link catChildCatalogGroup} object that see this object. 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="masterCatalogId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="masterCatalogStoreId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catgroupId" propertyName="catgroupId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="defaultLanguageId"/> 

Retrieves the {@link catAttachmentReference} objects that see this object. 

<wcfGetChildrenService url="/cmc/GetAttachmentReferencesForCatalogGroup" objectTypes="AttachmentReference,BusinessObjectToInheritedAttachment,InheritedBusinessObjectToInheritedAttachment"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catgroupId" propertyName="catgroupId"/> 

Update service to update a category. 
<wcfUpdateService sendDefaultLanguageProperties="true" url="/cmc/UpdateCatalogGroup"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="defaultLanguageId" parameterName="languageId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" /> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catgroupId" propertyName="catgroupId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="owningStoreId" propertyName="objectStoreId" optional="false"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="isTopCategoryTrue" parameterName="isTopCategory" value="true" optional="false"> 
<wcfEnablementCondition conditionId="objectTypeCondition" checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" parentProperty="true" enablementValue="Catalog"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="isTopCategoryFalse" parameterName="isTopCategory" value="false" optional="false"> 
<wcfEnablementCondition conditionId="objectTypeCondition" negate="true" checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" parentProperty="true" enablementValue="Catalog"/> 
Delete service to delete a category. 
<wcfDeleteService url="/cmc/DeleteCatalogGroup"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" /> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catgroupId" propertyName="catgroupId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="owningStoreId" propertyName="objectStoreId" optional="false"/> 

Validator to check and pass the warning message when there is no parent specified for the product 
This class is defined in restricted/objectDefinitions/CatalogValidator.lzx 
<wcfRequiredParentValidator validatorId="parentExistsCheck" validatorType="requiredParentCatalogValidator" errorMessage="${catalogResources.missingRequiredCategoryParent.string}"/> 

Child object definition for the description related fields of a category. 
This is object is language sensitive. 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

<!--- This navigation list definition is used to display {@link catChildProduct}, {@link catChildCatalogGroupSKU}, 
{@link catChildKit} and {@link catChildBundle}. 
toolbarIcon="catalogEntriesListToolbarIcon" /> 

<!--- This navigation list definition is used to display {@link catChildCatalogGroup}. --> 
<wcfNavigationListDefinition name="CategoryChildList" 
toolbarIcon="categoryListToolbarIcon" /> 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and another child category. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of another category. 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and a child product. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a product. 

Parent Reference object definition between the catalog group and its child SKUs. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a SKU. 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and a child bundle. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a bundle. 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and a child kit. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a kit. 


<wcfRegisterObjectDefinition objectType="CatalogGroup" objectDefinitionClass="catCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition"/> 
<class name="catCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition" extends="wcfPrimaryObjectDefinition" 

<!--- Condition to disable the object creation in certain store types. --> 

Create service to create a new category. 
sendDefaultLanguageProperties="true" url="/cmc/CreateCatalogGroup"> 
<wcfServiceParam name="storeId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="defaultLanguageId" parameterName="languageId"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="isTopCategoryTrue" parameterName="isTopCategory" value="true" optional="false"> 
<wcfEnablementCondition conditionId="objectTypeCondition" checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" parentProperty="true" enablementValue="Catalog"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="isTopCategoryFalse" parameterName="isTopCategory" value="false" optional="false"> 
<wcfEnablementCondition conditionId="objectTypeCondition" negate="true" checkObjectDefinition="true" propertyName="objectType" parentProperty="true" enablementValue="Catalog"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogId" propertyName="catalogId" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" optional="false"/> 
<wcfServiceParam name="catalogIdentifier" propertyName="identifier" parentProperty="true" parentType="Catalog" optional="true"/> 

Reference object definition for the attachment of the catalog group 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

Reference object definition for the asset store attachment of the catalog group 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

<wcfRegisterObjectDefinition objectType="InheritedCatalogGroup" objectDefinitionClass="catInheritedCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition"/> 
<!--- --> 
<class name="catInheritedCatalogGroupPrimaryObjectDefinition" extends="wcfPrimaryObjectDefinition" 

Parent Reference object definition between the catalog group and its inherited child SKUs. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a SKU. 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

Parent Reference object definition between an inherited category and another inherited child category. 
This indicates that an inherited category can be a parent of another inherited category. 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and a child inherited product. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a product. 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and a child bundle. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a bundle. 

Parent Reference object definition between the category and an inherited child kit. 
This indicates that a category can be a parent of a kit. 

Reference object definition for the asset store attachment of the catalog group 
This class is defined in CatalogCommonObjectDefinitions.lzx 

Related information

Tutorial: Supporting extended sites in the Recipes tool


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