Migrate > Take the first steps after WebSphere Commerce migration > Migrating promotions
Promotion type mapping in the promotion migration utility
When the migration utility runs, it maps promotion types from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator or Management Center v6 Feature Pack 3 or 3.0.1 to the equivalent but, in some cases, renamed promotion types for Management Center v7.
This table provides a mapping of each pre-migration promotion type to the equivalent promotion type for Management Center v7.
Pre-migration promotion type Management Center v7 promotion type ItemLevelBuyXGetYFree ProductLevelBuyXGetYFree ItemLevelPerItemValueDiscount ProductLevelPerItemValueDiscount ItemLevelSameItemPercentDiscount ProductLevelSameItemPercentDiscount ItemLevelValueDiscount ProductLevelValueDiscount ItemLevelPercentDiscount ProductLevelPercentDiscount or
ProductLevelPercentDiscount ProductLevelPercentDiscount or
CategoryLevelPercentDiscount CategoryLevelPercentDiscount or
For the ItemLevelPercentDiscount, ProductLevelPercentDiscount, and CategoryLevelPercentDiscount promotion types, the mapping is based on the impl attribute of the <Adjustment> node in the runtime promotion XML.
- If the value of this impl attribute contains the class name PercentOffPriceAdjustment or PercentOffAdjustment, then the corresponding PerItemPercentDiscount promotion type is used.
- If the value of the impl attribute contains the class name PercentOffVolumeDiscountAdjustment, then the corresponding PercentDiscount promotion type is used instead.
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