Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > Marketing > Collaborative filtering > WebSphere Commerce Recommendation Engine powered by LikeMinds > Background LikeMinds utilities

Configure the LikeMinds Personalization Server

You must configure the LikeMinds Personalization Server in WebSphere Application Server.

Configuration is performed using a script that does the following tasks:

  1. Create a LikeMinds utility server in WebSphere Application Server

  2. Create a JDBC Provider for the utility server

  3. Create a Likeminds datasource for the utility server

  4. Test the LikeMinds datasource

  5. Install the LikeMinds utility .ear file

  6. Configure the utilities to access the Likeminds datasource


  1. Navigate to the following directory:

  2. Launch the wsadmin shell using the following command: -f WC_INSTALL/bin/setupLikeMindsServer.jacl NodeName
        ServerName JDBCProviderName DbType 
        JDBCDriver DatasourceName DataBaseName
        DataBaseUser DataBasePassword EARPath 
        DataBaseServer DataBasePort

    wsadmin.bat -f WC_INSTALL/bin/setupLikeMindsServer.jacl NodeName 
        ServerName JDBCProviderName DbType 
        JDBCDriver DatasourceName DataBaseName 
        DataBaseUser DataBasePassword EARPath 
        DataBaseServer DataBasePort



    The WebSphere Application Server node name.


    The name of the LikeMinds Personalization Server server to install in WebSphere Application Server.


    The name to assign to the JDBC provider to create in the LikeMinds Personalization Server


    The type of database to use. This must be one of:

    • db2

    • db2_iseries_toolbox

    • db2_iseries_native

    • oracle


    The fully qualified path of the JDBC driver.

    1. Windows users must use forward slashes '/' to denote path structures, instead of backslashes '\'.

    2. If you have used the default quick install of WebSphere Commerce, the JDBC provider will be called, "demo - WebSphere Commerce JDBC Provider".


    The name to assign to the datasource.


    The name of the LikeMinds database.


    The ID to use to connect to the LikeMinds database.


    The password associated with the ID.


    The fully qualified path to the LikeMinds utility EAR.

    Windows users must use forward slashes '/' to denote path structures, instead of backslashes '\'.


    The name of the server on which the database resides.


    The port number used during database creation. If a port number was not used during database creation, a port number of 50000 should be used if the DbType is db2 or 1521 should be used if the DbType is oracle.

    ./ -f /usr/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/bin/setupLikeMindsServer.jacl WC_demo_node WC_likeminds "LikeMinds JDBC Provider" 
    db2 /opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/java/db2jcc.jar "WCS LikeMinds Data Source" dbName dbUser dbPassword /usr/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/likeminds/utility/PZN_Utilities.ear databaseServername 50000

    wsadmin.bat -f c:/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/bin/setupLikeMindsServer.jacl WC_demo_node WC_likeminds "LikeMinds JDBC Provider" 
    oracle "C:/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar" lmDS dbName dbUser dbPassword "C:/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/likeminds/utility/PZN_Utilities.ear" DatabaseServername 1521 

    If you encounter "cmdline buffer overflow" errors, copy the PZN_Utilities.ear file to a folder higher in the tree, such as /usr/PZN_Utilities.ear. Alternatively, define a variable for "/WebSphere/CommerceServer70", and use the variable in place of the full directory path. The goal is to reduce the string required to identify the path, which will correct the error.


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