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Configure when the sifter utility rebuilds the mentor pool

On a production system running LikeMinds, the sifter is always running, but not always sifting. The mentor pool schedule controls the time of day at which the mentor pool for that mentor set is analyzed and built. The default value for this key is either 2 a.m. or 3 a.m., depending on the number of mentor sets configured.

The time value for this key is formatted exactly like the UNIX crontab. For example, 00 2 * * * tells the sifter to build the mentor pool every night at 2 a.m.

To configure when the sifter rebuilds a mentor pool:


  1. Stop the LikeMinds server inside the WebSphere Application Server.

  2. For the sifter instance that we will use as the master instance, use any database modification tool to enter the following SQL statement:

    update lps_cfg set value='00 3 * * *' where name=

  3. Start the LikeMinds server inside the WebSphere Application Server.

Related concepts

Sifter utility


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