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Verify that the sifter is functioning
Use the following procedure to verify that the sifter is functioning correctly:
- Make sure the LikeMinds database has transaction data.
Attention: This procedure will work only if the LikeMinds database has transaction data. Also, shut down the WC_LikeMinds server in WebSphere Application Server to input database configuration changes.
- Stop the WC_LikeMinds server in WebSphere Application Server.
- In the Lps_User_Data table, update all values in the sift_pri column to the numeric value "1".
For example:
update lps_user_data set sift_pri = 1
- Delete all rows in the Lps_Trx_Mentor table.
For example:
delete from lps_trx_mentor
- Delete all rows in the mentor pool table (that is, Lps_Trx_Pool).
For example:
delete from lps_trx_pool
- Start the WC_LikeMinds server inside WebSphere Application Server.
- If the instance is working correctly, you should see records begin to accumulate in the lps_trx_mentor table, and the lps_trx_pool table as customers browse the site.
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WebSphere Commerce Recommendation Engine powered by LikeMinds