Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications
Inbound services
- Inbound messages over WebSphere MQ
The WebSphere MQ adapter allows you to integrate back-end and external systems with WebSphere Commerce using WebSphere MQ. The WebSphere MQ adapter allows WebSphere Commerce to receive messages from back-end systems and external systems. The messages sent may be either XML messages or legacy messages.
- XML over HTTP
WebSphere Commerce can receive inbound XML messages over HTTP using the Program Adapter.
- Program adapter
The program adapter allows external systems to communicate with WebSphere Commerce by passing XML requests over the HTTP protocol. The program adapter provides external systems such as procurement systems with a common way to communicate with WebSphere Commerce through HTTP, allowing WebSphere Commerce to act as a supplier to these systems, for buyer and supplier transactions.
- Message mappers
A message mapper is a mechanism that takes an XML message and converts it to a CommandProperty object. It provides a common interface so that messages can be converted to CommandProperty objects and used by all WebSphere Commerce components.
- Add messages to the Listener for WebSphere MQ
WebSphere Commerce allows you to extend the Listener for WebSphere MQ (formally transport adapter) to process additional messages.
- Device format algorithm
The device format algorithm is used to determine the appropriate JSP to use as the response for a particular request. When a request is received and the message mapper is used to convert the request into a CommandProperty object, the message mapper and adapter used to process the request determine the appropriate device format for generating the content of the response. The ID of the message mapper is added to the device format ID of the adapter to determine the overall device format ID of the response.
- Create an inbound XML message
- Generic application and system error XML messages
In WebSphere Commerce, generic application and system errors can occur. XML messages are generated if a command, invoked by an inbound message through WebSphere MQ, encounters a generic application or a generic system exception.