Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Verify a WebSphere Commerce installation > Verifying the installation using log files
WebSphere Commerce installation logs
After the install completes, view
WC_INSTALL/logs/install.log...and confirm the following message is extant...
WebSphere Commerce installation completeTrace information used by IBM support is in...
If errors or warnings are encountered during the installation process, the following log is created...
Other log message are written to...
The following type of warnings can be safely ignored...
Setup.product.install,, wrn, - WARNING: Got invalid size of 0 for file: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/CommerceServer70/schema/xml/wcs.bootstrap_adv_base.xmlSetup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener, err, could not initialize interface swing
Installation wizard logs include...
Installation type Default log file location GUI based remote installation /InstallLogs/install.log
/WC_INSTALL/logs/wctrace_timestamp.logRemote silent installation /InstallLogs/install.log
/tmp/InstallShield/wctrace_timestamp.logLocal silent installation /tmp/InstallShield/install.log
For multiple installation attempts, the log will be appended in the existing install.log file.
Depending on components installed, the following messages may appear at the end of install.log:
CMN7704S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer has successfully copied file from /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/bin/ to /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/bin/config_env.db2.shCMN7720S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer internal Generic Catch Warning caught: Command ended normally with exit status 0. /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/bin/
CWXAI7779S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer has successfully modified the Configuration Manager user password.
CMN7753S: WebSphere Commerce installation complete.
During instance creation, additional log files are created.
If the installation of WebSphere Commerce fails
- Search for log files in the /tmp directory.
- Search for log files in the directory defined by the %tmp% environment variable.
Default value for %tmp% is...
drive:Documents and Settings\user_ID\Local Settings\Temp\This directory is hidden by default. Change folder options to view.
- The file wcinstall.log is created if an error occurs during installation. Error messages can also be reviewed in wctrace_timestamp.log.