Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce 32-bit on a single machine using the quick installation

Install WebSphere Commerce on a single machine using the installation wizard

The installation wizard guides you through the installation of WebSphere Commerce. The WebSphere Commerce product will be installed on the machine using a GUI based local installation.

Before you begin

Review the Work with WebSphere Commerce physical media topic. It contains important tips about mounting physical media.

Review the following suggestions before starting the installation wizard:


  1. Log onto the system:

    • As the root user. Use the command su - root to change to the root user and load the correct environment.

    • As a user with Administrative authority.

  2. Complete the following steps:

    1. Ensure that you have exported the display and that you have access to the X server.

    2. Insert the WebSphere Commerce DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.

    3. Mount the DVD-ROM drive.

      For Linux on iSeries or Linux on zSeries, switch directories to the directory containing the contents of the WebSphere Commerce DVD. The contents of this DVD and other DVDs should have already been transferred to the Linux system. See Transfer installation files to a Linux system.

    4. Navigate to the location of the local WebSphere Commerce DVD image.

  3. The installation can be started by:

  4. Use the WebSphere Commerce launch pad:

    1. Select one of the following options to start the WebSphere Commerce launch pad:

      • mount_point/

        where mount_point is the DVD-ROM mount point or the location of the WebSphere Commerce image. When referring to the mount_point, always use the symbolic path to the location such as /dvdrom/dvdrom0. In the case of the DVD-ROM, this can vary depending on how many DVD-ROM drives you have and which one you are using. If you receive a permission denied message after issuing this command, ensure that the command has execute permissions and run the command again.

        When launching, ensure the current directory is not mount_point, otherwise the DVD drive could be locked when change media. This applies to eImages as well. See Work with WebSphere Commerce physical media for more information.

      • Depending on the location of the WebSphere Commerce DVD images, complete one of the following steps:

        • Insert the WebSphere Commerce DVD into the DVD-ROM drive. The WebSphere Commerce installation wizard should start automatically.

          Depending on the Windows system, the launch pad can take 3 minutes or longer to start.

        • If the launch pad does not start automatically after you insert the DVD-ROM:

          1. In Windows Explorer, browse the DVD-ROM drive containing the WebSphere Commerce DVD.

          2. Double-click autorun.exe.

    2. The WebSphere Commerce launch pad starts. Select the language for the launch pad and click OK to continue.

    3. When the launch pad displays, it provides the following options:

      • Prerequisites

      • Documentation

      • Install Product

      • Support Assistant

      • Exit

    4. Click Install Product.

  5. To bypass the launch pad:

    • From a command prompt, enter:

      • mount_point/setup_aix

      • mount_point/setup_solaris

      • Linux on xSeries: mount_point/setup_linux

      • Linux on iSeries: ./setup_ppclinux

      • Linux on pSeries: mount_point/setup_ppclinux

      • Linux on zSeries: ./setup_zlinux

      where mount_point is the DVD-ROM mount point. For example, /mnt/dvdrom0.

    • From a command prompt, enter: drive:\setup.exe

      where drive is the drive letter of the DVD-ROM containing the WebSphere Commerce DVD.

    To disable operating system checking checking, from a cmd prompt, run something like...

    WC_DVD:\setup.exe -W HardStopAction.disableOSCheck="True"

  6. Select the installation language in the language selection panel, and click OK. The software will be installed in this language, regardless of the language settings of the system. Do not select a language not supported by the system on which you are performing the installation.

  7. Review the Welcome page; then click Next.

  8. Review the Installation prerequisite warnings page and correct any missing prerequisites for the system.

  9. Review the terms of the license agreement and select one of the following options:

    • If you accept the terms of the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next.

    • If you decline the terms of the license agreement, select I do not accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next. Declining the terms of the license agreement exits the install program.

  10. Enter the home directory of the non-root user and click Next.

  11. Click Quick Installation and click Next.

  12. Choose the destination directories:

    • Accept the default destination directories or specify different directories, and click Next.


      1. If you have removed DB2, WebSphere Application Server, Web server plug-ins, or IBM HTTP Server from the system and you want the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard to install them in the same location where they were installed earlier:

        1. Backup any files from the directories to keep.

        2. Delete the directories.

          The directories will be recreated during the installation.

        You must specify a nonexistent directory before you can continue with the WebSphere Commerce installation.

      2. Long installation paths (over 250 characters) will cause errors when clustering WebSphere Commerce applications and with some WebSphere Commerce additional software.

        To avoid problems, choose a shortened installation directory. Do not use periods (.), spaces, or dollar signs ($) in the directory name. For example, use: C:\WebSphere instead of C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphereC:\WebSphere .

  13. Enter the following information based on the values you entered in the Installation worksheet:

        • DB2 instance owner ID

        • DB2 instance owner ID password

        • Database user group

        • Database user home directory

        • User ID

        • User password

    1. Click Next to continue.

  14. Enter the following information based on the values you entered in the Installation worksheet:

    1. Click Next to continue.

  15. Enter the Configuration Manager password. The Configuration Manager ID is set to configadmin. You cannot change this ID. Click Next to continue.

  16. Enter the following information based on the values you entered in the Installation worksheet:

      • Non-root user ID

      • Non-root user group

      • Non-root user home directory

    1. Click Next to continue.

  17. Confirm the installation options and parameters, and select Next to continue.

  18. Insert the DVDs as prompted by the installation wizard or specify the location of the DVD images.

    The WebSphere Application Server DVD has two folders: disk1 and disk2. When prompted, supply the appropriate path to the disk1 folder.

    Progress bars indicate how much of the installation has completed. After the installation of WebSphere Commerce is complete, the installation wizard runs the instance creation process.

  19. When the instance creation is complete, review the information and click OK.

  20. The InstallShield Wizard completion display is shown. Click Next to continue.

  21. The First Step panel displays with the following information. Choose a selection or exit the installation wizard.

What to do next

Re-enable any virus checking software that was disabled before starting the installation wizard.

If available, install the most recent fix pack for WebSphere Commerce.

Previous topic: Prepare for a quick installation

Next topic: Update the non-root user


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