Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > WebSphere Application Server tasks
Regenerate the WebSphere Application Server Web server plug-in configuration file
The instructions in this section do not apply when operating WebSphere Commerce in a federated or clustered environment under WAS ND.
Log on as the non-root user created before installing WebSphere Commerce.
- Regenerate the Web server plug-in using GenPluginCfg.
- Propagate plugin-cfg.xml to the remote machine:
- If you are using an IBM HTTP Server Web server, the plugin-cfg.xml can be propagated automatically through the WAS Administrative Console.
- For all other Web servers, propagate the plug-in configuration file by manually copying the plugin-cfg.xml file from...
WC_PROFILE/config/cells/cellnodes/node_name/servers/web_server_name...on the WebSphere Commerce machine to...
WAS_plugindir/config/web_server_name...on the Web server machine.
- Restart the Web server according to the documentation provided with the Web server.