Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Verify a WebSphere Commerce installation > Verifying the installation using log files
WCS instance creation logs
The configuration information for the WCS instance created as part of the quick installation, demo, is stored in...
WAS_HOME/profiles/demo/installedApps/WC_demo_cell/WC_demo.ear/xml/config/wc-server.xmlConfirm that this file exists before checking the log files produced during instance creation.
Creating a WCS instance produces log files in...
WC_INSTALL/instances/demo/logsVerify there are no errors in...
- createInstanceANT.err.log
- createInstanceANT.log
- createdb.db2.log
- trace.txt
- messages.txt
Instance creation is successful if the log files do not contain any errors or exceptions. The createInstanceANT.err.log file should be empty if no errors were encountered.
The wasprofile_create_profile_name.log log file is created in...
WAS_HOME/logs/wasprofileIf the profile creation process was a success, the log displays an INSTCONFSUCCESS message.
There may be several INSTCONFSUCCESS messages in the log file.
The WCSconfig.log file is created in...
directory:WC_INSTALL/logsIf instance creation failed, delete the failed instance.
Once the failed instance is deleted, the instance can be created manually
The following type of errors in the trace.txt file can be safely ignored:
datetime java.lang.Class resolveRecord IdResGen
The element with key "< acaction ACACTION_ID=10043 ACTION=BuyOrderApprovalSummaryView >" already exists in the database therefore this record will not be updated.After review is complete, take the first steps after installing WebSphere Commerce.