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Enable WebSphere Commerce foundation

The WebSphere Commerce foundation feature adds new groups of services to the WebSphere Commerce Server.

Before you begin

Verify the following WebSphere Commerce Feature Packs are installed:

The enablement script adds new services and updates existing services required to support the WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 1 features.

To support personalization in remote widgets and feeds, persistent sessions and personalization ID must be enabled. When you run the enablement script, the script checks the WebSphere Commerce configuration file for the current settings:


  1. If you are using a staging server, run the stagingprop utility before proceeding with feature enablement.

    After stagingprop, check the STAGLOG database table and ensure all the records are marked as processed. That is, STAGLOG.STGPROCESSED=1. You should backup the STAGLOG table (export the table), and then clean up the STAGLOG table (delete from STAGLOG).

  2. Complete one of the following tasks:

    • Log on as a WebSphere Commerce non-root user.

    • Log on with a user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.

  3. Navigate to the following directory:

  4. Free enough disk space on the system to accommodate a backup of the WebSphere Commerce v5.6.1 or 6.0 database.

  5. As the WebSphere Commerce non-root user, increase the file handle limit...

    ulimit -n 8192

    Run the WCIM migration wizard or wcim_ant script in the same command window that you ran the ulimit command in. The ulimit setting is lost (and we will need to re-run this step) if you close this command window.

  6. Run the enablement script:

    • config_ant.bat -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=foundation -DdbUserPassword=db_password [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]

    • ./ -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=foundation -DdbUserPassword=db_password [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]

    • enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=foundation [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]

    The dba_password is required only if you are enabling the feature on an Author server.

  7. If the script runs successfully in the runtime environment, a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message appears in the command window where you ran the script and in the WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/enablefoundation_timestamp.log file. For enablement details refer to log file:

    • WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/enablefoundation_timestamp.log

    If the script runs successfully in the development toolkit, you see an enableFeature.bat completed message in the command window where you ran the script. For enablement details refer to log file:

    If the server is configured with an LDAP server, restart the WebSphere Commerce Server after verifying a successful enablement.

  8. Republish the application:

    1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.

    2. Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server. Some errors are displayed in the console, these errors can be safely ignored.

    3. Right-click the test server in the Servers view and select Publish.

    4. Wait for the application to finish publishing and to restart. Ensure that no errors are displayed.

  9. Verify that the application starts successfully.

    Access the following URL:


    It should render a page with the following information:

    Hi there, this is a Web service!

  10. If the machine where you are installing the feature will be using staging tools or acting as a staging server:

    1. Backup the following base staging SQL files:

    2. Append the contents of WC_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.component_name.sql to the end of WC_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.sql, where db_type is either db2 or oracle.

    3. Append the contents of WC_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.component_name.drop.sql to the end of WC_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.droptrigger.sql, where db_type is either db2 or oracle.

    4. Append the contents of WCDE_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.component_name.sql to the end of WCDE_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.sql, where db_type is either db2 or oracle.

    5. Append the contents of WCDE_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.component_name.drop.sql to the end of WCDE_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.droptrigger.sql, where db_type is either db2 or oracle.

      After enabling the feature, there should be STAGLOG records captured in the Staging server. This STAGLOG record should be ignored. Since the STAGLOG is cleaned, either mark all the new STAGLOG records as processed, or delete them.

      Staging is not supported in WebSphere Commerce Developer.

    This step only needs to be performed once, even if you enable and disable the feature multiple times.

  11. If you are using a staging server, run the stagingcopy utility.

    If you encounter problems with the staging copy complete the following steps:

    1. Change STMTHEAP to the maximum value. For example:

      db2 update database configuration for db_schema using stmtheap 240000

    2. Change APPLHEAPZ to 3000. For example:

      db2 update database configuration for db_schema using applheapsz 3000

    3. Disconnect all users from DB2.

    4. Stop and restart DB2.

    5. Run the stagingcopy utility.

Next topic: IBM Gift Center for Madisons: Publishing the sample add-on store archive


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