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Migrate Gift Center
The IBM Gift Center migration is handled as part of the overall WebSphere Commerce migration. The WebSphere Commerce migration framework includes the database, application server, and web server migration.
Because the WebSphere Commerce migration framework already migrates all the IBM Gift Center assets, you only need to apply some manual steps after the WebSphere Commerce database and application migration. See the following references:
- Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database using the Migration wizard
- Migrate the WebSphere Commerce application using the Migration wizard
- If you have used the kiosk channel (provided as a sample application on top of the IBM Gift Center) with previous versions of IBM Gift Center, make the following changes:
- Go to the IBM Gift Center sample application page and download the Kiosk sample application. The Kiosk sample application contains the kiosk-pageconfig.jar and pageConfig.tld files.
- Copy the kiosk-pageconfig.jar file to this directory:
- WC_EAR/Stores.war/WEB-INF/lib
- WCDE_INSTALL\workspace\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib
- Copy the pageConfig.tld file to this directory:
- WC_EAR/Stores.war/WEB-INF
- WCDE_INSTALL\workspace\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF
- If you have used the reference application for IBM Gift Center Web Channel with the previous version of IBM Gift Center, make changes as specified in Troubleshoot: Error creating a GiftRegistry in the migrated environment.
- Considerations for an existing gift registry solution
If you have an existing gift registry solution for the business, before you use the IBM Gift Center, ensure that you consider migrating the complete gift registry system, as well as phasing the migration process.
Related concepts
IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store
Related reference
IBM Gift Center inbound messages
IBM Gift Center outbound messages
IBM Gift Center message mapping