Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Distributed Order Management (DOM) integration

Inventory availability caching

The inventory availability master information typically resides on one or many backend inventory management systems (IMS).

Some backend inventory management systems, for example, legacy in-store systems, may have performance, scalability and availability limitations. The Inventory component and its services are designed with caching support to address these limitations. That is, the inventory availability of an item at a location can be cached by the component, either in memory, or in the database. This results in the DOM inventory configuration and availability not being controlled by WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Instead, WebSphere Commerce records the inventory information in the local database cache or memory cache, and the master data is contained in an external inventory system.

Inventory configurations and related data are stored in the following WebSphere Commerce database tables:

WebSphere Commerce database tables
Table name Description
INVCNF Represents DOM inventory cache configurations.
INVCNFREL Represents the relationship of an item and/or location with an inventory configuration.
INVAVL Represents an inventory availability record cached by the WebSphere Commerce database.

The Inventory component's caching support includes the following features:

Cache records

It can cache at most one inventory availability record for each combination of item and location.

Each cached record contains the following information:

It can cache an inventory availability record in memory or in the database, depending on the inventory configuration of the item and location.

A WebSphere distributed object cache is used to cache inventory availability records in memory. Advantages of using a WebSphere distributed object cache include:

Cache inventory availability records in memory is useful when it is either impossible or undesirable to batch-load the records into the database. For example:

Cached records are updated when:

Cache updates can trigger JSP file cache invalidations. However, this should not be considered a replacement for efficient store design. The design phase should emphasize balancing performance and usability considerations.

Inventory configuration

A retailer can setup multiple inventory configurations and apply them to different items and locations. For example, the retailer can setup:

Each inventory configuration contains the following options:

Examples of inventory configuration include:


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