Develop > Business logic layer > Developing the business logic layer using the BOD command framework > Work with WebSphere Commerce service modules

Implement the service commands in the BOD command framework

Create the service commands for a BOD service module consists of running the Design Pattern Toolkit and then customizing and extending the template code that is generated.

Before you begin

Create a WebSphere Commerce service module


  1. Open the MyServiceModule-Server EJB project.

  2. Implement the shell commands in the com.mycompany.commerce.myservicemodule.facade.server.commands package. If the noun has Change or Sync as verbs, implement ChangeNounPartCmdImpl, where NounPart is the name of a noun part in the noun. If the noun has Get as a verb, implement GetNounCmdImpl If the noun has Process as a verb, implement ProcessNounCreateActionCmdImpl and ProcessNounDeleteActionCmdImpl.

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce BOD command framework

Business logic layer design patterns

Access control in the BOD command framework

Service module configuration

Data service layer


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