Develop > Presentation layer > Double-click handling in WebSphere Commerce

Configure double-click handling

You can configure double-click handling on an instance, on a Web module, or you can define specific URL requests.


Configure double-click handling using one of these methods:

Option Description
Enable or disabling double-click handling for an entire WCS instance Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file and find the EnableDoubleClickHandler attribute. Setting the attribute to a value of true means that double-click support is enabled globally. A value of false disables this feature.

The following snippet of configuration shows the WebSphere Commerce configuration file where double-click is enabled:

DistributorProxyOrgDN="ou=distributor proxy organization,o=demand chain management organization,o=root organization"
WCSInstallDir=".." WorkspacePath="../workspace"/>


Enable or disabling double-click handling for a Web module

  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

  2. For the module to enable or disable double-click handling on, edit the InitParameters element. Change the handleDoubleClick element to true to enable double-click handling, or false to disable it. For example, to enable double-click handling for the Stores Web module:

    <Module contextPath="/webapp/wcs/stores"
    <InitParameters adapters="XML/HTTP, BrowserAdapter"

  3. Propagate the changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file
Define URL requests that require double-click checking

The double-click feature must be globally enabled in order to achieve this configuration. By identifying particular commands to include or exclude double-click support, you are choosing the default behavior for all URL request with the exclusion of a select group.

For example, if you decide to exclude specific commands from double-click processing, you are indicating that the default behavior is double-click enabled but the processing does not apply to these URL requests. The same goes for the include list where double-click processing will not apply by default except to the specified URL requests. By specifying both an include list and an exclude list, the default behavior is to exclude double-click support except for the specified commands.

Specify the commands to include and exclude double-click support is done by adding a DoubleClickMonitorCommands node to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. This node will specify the inclusion and exclusion list for commands that do or do not require double-click processing.

The following configuration snippet demonstrates the configuration required to exclude certain URL requests. This configuration node is added to the end of the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

You must disable DoubleClickHandler for the cacheable pages. Incorrect cache content can result if cacheable pages are not included in the exclusion list.

<command name="StoreCatalogDisplay" /> 
<command name="TopCategoriesDisplay" />           
<command name="CategoryDisplay" />     
<command name="ProductDisplay" />      
<command name="ContentView" />         
<command name="HelpView" />            

The following configuration snippet demonstrates the configuration required to include certain URL requests. This configuration node is added to the end of the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

<command name="OrderItemAdd" /> 
<command name="OrderPrepare" />           
<command name="OrderProcess" />     
<command name="OrderCopy" />      
<command name="InterestItemAdd" />         

Related concepts

Double-click handling in WebSphere Commerce

Related reference

Double-click handling on the client-side using JavaScript


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