Reference > Shop flow URLs > Member subsystem URLs > Security

RunAsUserSetInSession URL

This URL allows administrators with the proper authority to run subsequent commands in the same session under a specified customer's identity.

This URL allows administrators with the proper authority to run subsequent commands in the same session under a specified customer's identity. The access control framework checks that the current user belongs to one of the following roles:

URL structure

http:// host_name/path/

The fully-qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.

Diagram of the URL structure: The URL starts with the fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path, followed by the URL name, RunAsUserSetInSession , and the ? character. End the URL with a list of parameters in the form of name-value pairs. Separate each <a href=name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />

Parameter values


The preferred language for the duration of the session; the supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table.


The URL to be called when the command completes successfully. The default value is RunAsUserSetInSessionView.


The reference number of the store to which the user is logging on.


The registered customer's user ID. This is the customer under whom subsequent requests will run.

Example 1

To switch to a specified customer's user ID (for example, 5) an administrator needs to execute the RunAsUserSetInSession URL with the runAsUserId parameter set to "5". Upon successfully running the RunAsUserSetInSession URL, RunAsUserSetInSessionView gets called. https:// myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/RunAsUserSetInSession?runAsUserId=5

Example 2

The following example switches to user ID 5 and calls the specified URL (UserAccountView): https:// myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/RunAsUserSetInSession?runAsUserId=5&URL=UserAccountView


Exception conditions

Exception message key Description
_ERR_MISSING_PARMS The command throws this exception if the runAsUserId value is not specified.
_ERR_MEMBER_USER_ADMIN_TYPE The command throws this exception if the current user is not of registerType 'A' (administrator).
_ERR_MEMBER_USER_REGISTERED_TYPE The command throws this exception if the user that the command tries to switch under is not of registerType 'R' (registered).

If the forUser parameter is specified while the administrator session is populated with a customer's session information, an exception is generated.

Related concepts

Administrator authority to act for a registered customer

Related reference

AdminResetPassword URL

Logoff URL

Logon URL

ResetPassword URL

RestoreOriginalUserSetInSession URL


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