Reference > Shop flow URLs > Order Management subsystem URLs > Orders URLs
OrderProfileUpdate URL
Creates or updates a customer's default billing and shipping addresses, payment information, and shipping mode. Order profiles can be stored at store level, to provide defaults for use within a store, or at store group level, to provide defaults for use within all stores in the group.
URL structure
- http:// host/ path/
- The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />
Parameter values
- forUser
- The logon ID of the user on whose behalf the command will be run; only a person with the authority to process orders can specify this parameter.
- forUserId
- Same as forUser, but identifying the user by the internal user ID, as found in the USERS table.
- langId
- Sets or resets the preferred language for the duration of the session; the supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table.
- storeId
- Specifies a store whose profile, associated with a given customer, needs to be updated or created.
- storeEntityId
- Required: Specifies a group of stores whose store profile, associated with a given customer, needs to be updated or created.
- Required: The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.
- addressId
- The reference number of the default shipping address for products and items ordered by this customer.
- billtoAddressId
- The reference number of the default address to bill for this customer.
- shipModeId
- The reference number of the default shipping mode to be used for products or items ordered by this customer.
- billing_ AddressAdd_ parameter
- The AddressAdd_parameter is the name of an address parameter (for example, firstName, lastName, address1, or address2) used by the AddressAdd command to create or by the AddressUpdate command to update an address entry. Note that the AddressAdd_parameter must be prefixed with the 'billing_' prefix (for example, billing_firstName, billing_lastName, billing_address1, or billing_address2). The value of billing_ AddressAdd_parameter is the value of the address parameter to be used by the AddressAdd command to create or by the AddressUpdate command to update the default billing address for the order profile.
If this parameter is present, the value of billtoAddressId is ignored.
- shipping_ AddressAdd_parameter
- Same as billing_ AddressAdd_parameter, but used to create or update the default shipping address for the order profile.
- Note: If this parameter is present, the value of addressId is ignored.
- pay_ payment_name
- The payment_name is the name of an order payment information parameter (for example, cardBrand, cardNumber, cardExpiryMonth, cardExpiryYear or account) used by the SetOrderPaymentInfoCmd command to create or update an order payment information entry. Note that the payment_name must be prefixed with the 'pay_' prefix (for example, pay_cardBrand, pay_cardNumber, pay_cardExpiryMonth, pay_cardExpiryYear or pay_account). The value of pay_ payment_name is the value of the parameter to be used by the SetOrderPaymentInfoCmd command to create or update the payment information for the order profile.
Example 1
The following example sets the default shipping and billing address of the current customer to an address with reference number 10 and the default shipping mode to a shipping mode with reference number 100. Payments will be made by ABC credit card with the number 12312345937438, which expires December 2003.
OrderProfileUpdate?URL=/&addressId=10&billtoAddressId=10&shipModeId=100 &pay_cardBrand=ABC&&pay_cardNumber=12312345937438&pay_cardExpiryMonth=12 &pay_cardExpiryYear=2003
Example 2
This example sets the shipping mode and payment information to the same values as the preceding example but sets or updates the default billing and shipping addresses according to the information supplied explicitly.
OrderProfileUpdate?URL=/&shipModeId=100 &pay_cardBrand=ABC&&pay_cardNumber=12312345937438&pay_cardExpiryMonth=12&pay_cardExpiryYear=2003 &billing_nickName=my_address&billing_address1=5+Cedarcroft+Ave.&billing_city=North+York&billing_state=Ontario &billing_country=Canada&billing_zipCode=M6A+3E1&billing_lastName=Lee &shipping_nickName=mother_address&shipping_address1=7+Elm+St.&shipping_city=Toronto&shipping_state=Ontario &shipping_country=Canada&shipping_zipCode=M4M+2T1&shipping_lastName=Lee
Creates the default shipping and billing address, shipping mode, and payment information for the current customer if this information does not exist. The command updates the preceding information if it already exists.
Exception conditions
Related concepts
Related reference
Order Management subsystem URLs