Develop > Controller layer > Application developer > Member subsystem > Member search

ECUserQuery object

The ECUserQuery object, used to perform member search, can be extended. This object is used to find users in the WebSphere Commerce database.

It supports the following tables:

USERS The user's record
USERREG The user's registry record
USERDEMO The user's demographics information
USERPROF The user's profile information
ORGENTITY The user's parent organization
ADDRESS The user's self address (the address of the user's parent organization)
BUSPROF The user's business profile information
ACCOUNT Accounts owned by the parent organization
MBRROLE Roles played by the user
MBRATTRVAL Custom member attributes for the user
MBRREL The user's ancestors

This means that you can search based on any numeric or string attribute in any of these tables.

Example 1: Search by logonId

In this example, the query object generates an SQL query to find all users whose logonId is LIKE %myLogon%. The query has only one condition, a search condition on USERREG.LOGONID where the search type is case insensitive containing. The USERREG table is automatically joined with the USERS table for the search.

ECUserQuery query = new ECUserQuery(); 

WhereClauseSearchCondition whereClause = 
  new WhereClauseSearchCondition(
  new TableField("USERREG", "LOGONID"),   WhereClauseSearchCondition.SEARCHTYPE_CASEINSENSITIVE_CONTAINS,   "myLogon"); 


Vector vecResults =
  (new UserSearchAccessBean())

Example 2: Find all users with a given logonId and with a given parent organization

This example shows searching by logonId and parent organization name.

ECUserQuery query = new ECUserQuery(); 

WhereClauseSearchCondition whereClause = 
  new WhereClauseSearchCondition(
  new TableField("USERREG", "LOGONID"),   WhereClauseSearchCondition.SEARCHTYPE_CASEINSENSITIVE_CONTAINS, 
  "myLogon"); whereClause.appendANDCondition(
  new WhereClauseSearchCondition(
  new TableField("ORGENTITY", "ORGENTITYNAME"),   WhereClauseSearchCondition.SEARCHTYPE_CASESENSITIVE_STARTSWITH,   "myParentOrgName")); 


Vector vecResults =
  (new UserSearchAccessBean())

In this example, two 
 clauses have now been combined with an AND condition. The JOIN condition for the ORGENTITY table stipulates 
that it should search based on the parent organization. 

Related concepts

Member search

Related tasks

Extend the ECOrganizationQuery and ECUserQuery objects

Related reference

ECOrganizationQuery object


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