Develop > Controller layer > Application developer > Returns

Kits and kit components for returns

A dynamic kit contains multiple products, is ordered as a unit, and has one price and one stock keeping unit (SKU). For returns, a kit is commonly treated as a unit. In some cases it might be more appropriate to handle kit components individually. For example, a computer system has been set up within WebSphere Commerce as a dynamic kit. During the order process, the individual components (such as the hard drive, memory, and monitor) were specified with the use of a configurator. When the computer system was received by the customer, the monitor was defective. The customer now wants a refund for just the defective monitor and wants to keep the rest of the computer system. In this case, the original order item and the individual kit component are specified as returns. The customer is issued a refund for the monitor only, but the order item information is used for calculation and analysis purposes.

The same example can be used for a static kit. However, static kits are predefined and controlled within WebSphere Commerce. Unlike a dynamic kit, the individual components of a static kit cannot be modified.

Related concepts

Order items and catalog entries for returns

Returns and refunds

Order Management subsystem

Configurable products

Related tasks

Create an order for a registered customer

Create an order for a business user

Changing orders

Related reference

Order Management subsystem URLs


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