Develop > Controller layer > Application developer > Order Management subsystem
Price and offers
Offers present different prices for the same product or SKU to different customers. In WebSphere Commerce, an offer is also known as a trading position. An offer represents the price of a catalog entry and criteria that the customer must satisfy in order to pay that price.
The Offer object has a quantity range attribute that specifies the minimum or maximum quantity that can be sold in an order under the given offer. The Offer object also indicates a date range and the member groups of the trading position container (price list).
An Offer object is part of a TradingPositionContainer (PriceList), which is owned by a member. A TradingPositionContainer contains TradingPositions. It can be made available to all customers, or only to customers in certain groups by using the trading agreements or contracts. There are three kinds of price lists:
- S
- Standard price list which contains the base prices for the products in the store catalog.
- C
- Custom price list which specifies the list of products and their customized prices.
- E
- Custom price list which specifies the list of products and their customized prices, but improves performance during maintenance.
The quantity unit of measurement for the quantity can be null; this indicates that the product quantity specified in the quantity range attribute should be multiplied by the nominal quantity of the catalog entry in the CATENTSHIP database table.
Related concepts
Related tasks
Create an order for a registered customer
Create an order for a business user
Related reference
Order Management subsystem URLs