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Add and modifying price lists and price policies
You can add additional price lists, if you require multiple price lists to support cost and list prices.
- Create the price list. The price list is also known as a trading position container.
To create the new price list:
- To create the trading position container, run an SQL statement similar to:
insert into tradeposcn (tradeposcn_id, member_id, name, type) values (-2, member_ID , 'Cost Price List', 'S')
- Associate a price with the price list. This requires creating an offer, and then a corresponding offer price. For example:
insert into offer (offer_id, tradeposcn_id, catentry_id, published) values (-1, -2, 10352 , 1) insert into offerprice (offer_id, currency, price) values (-1, 'USD', 100.00)
- Modify an existing price policy. Run an SQL statement similar to the following example:
update policy set properties ='name=AdvancedB2BDirect&orgentity_dn=ou=b2b, o=seller organization,o=root organization&type=LIST' where policy_id = policyID
- Create a new price policy. Run an SQL statement similar to the following example:
insert into policy (policy_id, policyname, policytype_id, storeent_id, properties) values (-1, 'Cost Price List', 'Price', 10601, 'name=Cost Price List&orgentity_dn=ou=b2b,o=seller organization,o=root organization&type=COST' ) insert into policycmd (policy_id, businesscmdclass) values (-1, '') insert into policydesc (policy_id, language_id, description) values (-1, -1, 'Cost Price List')
- Update prices.
- You can set adjustments to the prices using the Catalog Filter. If change any prices use the loading utilities.
- Refresh the Business Policy Price List registry component. See Updating registry components.