Reference > Shop flow URLs > Trading subsystem URLs > Account and contract URLs
AccountImport URL
This URL imports a business account in XML format into WebSphere Commerce.
URL structure
- https:// host_name/path
- The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />
Before issuing This URL, be logged into WebSphere Commerce. You can log in to WebSphere Commerce using the Logon command. For more information in the Logon command, see the related reference below.
Parameter values
- fileName
- Required: The name of the XML file that to import as a business account. The XML file must be validated with the B2BTrading DTD.
The XML file being imported must exist in the location specified in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file, and the file must be validated with the B2BTrading DTD or Package.xsd.
The location for the business account XML file to be imported is specified in the XMLPath attribute of the Trading tag in the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. For example, if the WebSphere Commerce configuration file contains the following lines:
<Trading DTDFileName="B2BTrading.dtd" DTDPath="/trading/dtd" XMLPath="/trading/xml" XSDPath="/trading/xsd" />
The business account XML file to be imported using This URL must be in WC_EAR /xml/trading/xml.
- xsd
- Required: Specifies whether the account XML is in DTD or XSD format. Use true to specify the account XML is in XSD format, otherwise use false.
- validate
- Specifies whether the account XML should be validated by the XML parser. Valid values for this parameter are true and false. Use true to have the account validated. Use false to prevent the account from being validated by the XML parser.
If this parameter is not specified, a value of true is assumed.
- Required: The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.
The following example imports an account:
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ AccountImport?fileName=myaccountfile.xml&xsd=false&URL=StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=512&catalogId=512
This URL imports a business account into the WebSphere Commerce database from an XML file. Before importing the business account, the command checks to ensure the business account being imported meets the following conditions:
- The business account XML file must conform to the B2BTrading DTD or Package.xsd
- The business account owner must be an organization
- The name of the business account must be unique for the account owner
- The current user must have the necessary rights to create a business account for the account owner
- The account must have one and only one Account Holder participant, and it must be an organization
- The business account must have one and only one Seller participant, and it must be an organization
- The business account must have one and only one Buyer Contact participant, and it must be a user
- If the Seller Contact participant is part of the business account, the Seller Contact participant must be an organization or a user
- If a Buyer participant is part of the business account, the Buyer participant must be a descendant of the Account Holder participant
- The business account must not specify any terms and conditions except the following terms:
- DisplayCustomization
- Invoice
- Payment
- PurchaseOrder
Exception conditions
The following exceptions may be thrown by this comment:
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_CMD_EXEC will be thrown if an unclassified application problem has occurred during the processing of the business account.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_CREATE will be thrown if an unclassified application problem has occurred during the processing of the business account.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PARTICIPANT_GENERIC_ERROR will be thrown if an unclassified application problem has occurred during the processing of a certain participant.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PARTICIPANT_INVALID_ROLE will be thrown if the business account has specified an invalid participant role.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PARTICIPANT_INVALID_MEMBER_TYPE will be thrown if the business account has specified an invalid member type for a certain participant.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PARTICIPANT_INVALID_MULTIPLICITY will be thrown if the business account has specified an invalid number of participants for a certain participant role.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_TC_CREDIT_POLICY_ONLY will be thrown if the payment term and condition references a payment business policy other than the Credit business policy.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PO_TC_GENERIC_ERROR will be thrown if an unclassified application problem has occurred during the processing of a certain purchase order term and condition.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_PO_TC_INVALID_PO_NUMBER will be thrown if a purchase order term and condition has specified an invalid purchase order number.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_RESOLVE_OWNER_ID will be thrown if the command is unable to resolve the Account Owner element into a member ID.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_RESOLVE_PARTICIPANT_MEMBER_ID will be thrown if the command is unable to resolve a participant into a member ID.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_RESOLVE_STORE_OWNER_ID will be thrown if the command is unable to resolve the Store Owner element into a member ID.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_RESOLVE_STORE_ID will be thrown if the command is unable to resolve the store ID.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_TC_GENERIC_ERROR will be thrown if an unclassified application problem has occurred during the processing of a term and condition.
- _ERR_ACCOUNT_TC_NOT_SUPPORTED will be thrown if the business account has specified an unsupported term and condition.
- _ERR_DUPLICATED_ACCOUNT_NAME will be thrown if the name of the business account is not unique for the Account Owner.