Develop > Controller layer > Application developer > Business relationship assets > Developing business policies
Payment business policies
Payment business policies define various aspects of receiving payments and paying refunds.
Payment methods
A store can support payment methods handled by WebSphere Commerce Payments or accept a credit line as a payment method. The payment method policies define a number of payment business policy commands to be used when invoking various payment functions. The business policy commands defined are:
- DoPaymentPolicyCmd
- CheckPaymentAcceptPolicyCmd
- DoDepositPolicyCmd
- DoRefundPolicyCmd
- DoCancelPolicyCmd
WebSphere Commerce provides two sets of implementation classes for these payment business policy commands. One to handle the credit line payment method and the other to handle all payment methods supported by WebSphere Commerce Payments Cassettes.
Invoice format
The invoice format defines the layout of invoices sent to buyers by e-mail. The layout is specified using the viewName property of the InvoiceFormat policy. The viewName property specifies the name of the view in the struts configuration. This view specifies a JavaServer Pages file that is used to generate the e-mail that is send to the business account contact.
An InvoiceFormat policy with the policyName "DefaultInvoiceFormat" and viewName "InvoiceView" is included as sample in the bootstrap data. You can also find a sample JSPs file in following location:
To use this JSP file with the DefaultInvoiceFormat policy, copy this sample JSP file to the directory where you store the other store-level JSP files.
Payment business policies are pre-defined in the bootstrap data.