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Catalog business policies

Catalog business policies define how we will sell products available in a store. You can create price list and product set catalog business policies.

Price lists

A price list specifies the prices for a collection of products. The prices may be in multiple currencies and quantity-based prices may also be included. WebSphere Commerce creates one price list for all products in a store's master catalog. This price list is reference by contract terms that offer percentage adjustments on prices.

Product sets

Product sets are collections of products that you can use to modify either the price adjustment for products within a price list or whether a product in a price list is available for purchase. Product sets are created from categories in a store's master catalog. If a product set is created and published as a business policy using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, the product set will be automatically maintained when products are added or removed from a master catalog category that is part of a product set.

You can create and publish catalog business policies using the Product Management tools in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator and the loading utilities.


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