Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > U

WebSphere Commerce database table: USRTRAFFIC

This table stores data about the visitors to the stores.

Column Name Column Type Description
USRTRAFFIC_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Internal generated reference ID.
SHLUSTMP TIMESTAMP The last time the customer logged in when the request was made.
USERS_ID BIGINT The identifier of the user that issued the HTTP interaction.
STMP TIMESTAMP The time when the current user traffic record is created.
REMADDR VARCHAR(254) The Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client that sent the request.
CLIMETH CHAR(8) The HTTP method to be performed on the resource obtained from the Http Servlet Request. It is the name of HTTP method with which this request was made. Valid values include are...

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT

SERVNAME VARCHAR(64) The host name of the server that received the request.
SCRIPT VARCHAR(64) The part of this request's URL that calls the servlet.
PATHINFO VARCHAR(254) Any extra path information associated with the URL the client sent when it made the URL request.
QUERYSTRING VARCHAR(4000) The query string that is contained in the request URL after the path.
BRAGENT VARCHAR(254) Contains information about the user agent originating the URL request.
REFURL VARCHAR(254) Referral URL from another site.
HTTPS CHAR(1) Indicator for whether the site is secure. Valid values are...

  • 1=the site is secure and HTTPS is used

  • 0=the site is not secure and HTTP is used

RESULT CHAR(1) Indicator of whether or not this is a secure interaction. Valid values are...

  • 1=the HTTP interaction was successful

  • 0=the HTTP interaction was unsuccessful

REDIR VARCHAR(254) The URL of the Web page that the user was redirected to, if the command resulted in a redirection. In order to complete the current interaction, the user-agent has to fulfill the request described by redirection URL.
VIEWTASK VARCHAR(32) The error or view command name that is used to display the result page to the user, if any.
PREVURL VARCHAR(254) The previous URL, if used.
SESSIONID CHAR(64) The unique identifier of the session.
STORE_ID INTEGER The store involved with this request.
CATGROUP_ID BIGINT The catalog group involved with the request.
CATENTRY_ID BIGINT The catalog entry that is used in this request.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL100520030445200 USRTRAFFIC_ID Primary Key
I0000261 USRTRAFFIC_ID+STMP Non-Unique Index

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Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type

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