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WebSphere Commerce database table: USERPVCDEV
This table contains information for pervasive computing devices used by WebSphere Commerce registered users.
Column Name Column Type Description USERPVCDEV_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Primary key, internally generated. DEVICEIDENTIFIER VARCHAR(254) The terminal identifier of the pervasive computing device. This column is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. PVCSESSION_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Reference to the pervasive computing device which the user uses to log in. Foreign key to PVCSESSION_ID in PVCSESSION table. USERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key to the USERS table for the registered user who owns this PVC device. ADDRESS1 VARCHAR(254) The primary address of the user of the pervasive computing device. ADDRESS1TYPE CHAR(3) The type of address for ADDRESS1. Valid values are E (e-mail) or P (phone). ADDRESS2 VARCHAR(254) A secondary address for the user of the pervasive computing device. ADDRESS2TYPE CHAR(3) The type of address for ADDRESS2. Valid values are E (e-mail) or P (phone). TRANSPORT_ID INTEGER Foreign key to the TRANSPORT table. DEVICEFMT_ID INTEGER Foreign key to the DEVICEFMT table. PREFERREDTIMEOUT INTEGER Time that the session should expire. PROTECT INTEGER Protect commands which are listed in URLREG table. Valid values are 1 (yes) or 0 (no). If not provided, 1 is used as the default. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I761149 PVCSESSION_ID+USERS_ID Unique Index SQL100520030444620 USERPVCDEV_ID Primary Key I0000824 USERS_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_892 DEVICEFMT_ID DEVICEFMT DEVICEFMT_ID Cascade F_890 PVCSESSION_ID PVCSESSION PVCSESSION_ID Cascade F_893 TRANSPORT_ID TRANSPORT TRANSPORT_ID Cascade F_891 USERS_ID USERS USERS_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_455 PREFERENCE MBRVIEWPRF USERPVCDEV_ID Cascade
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