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WebSphere Commerce database table: SUBORDERS
Each row of this table contains subtotals of amounts for all the OrderItems of an Order with the same shipping address.
Column Name Column Type Description ORDERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The Order. SUBORDER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Generated unique key. ADDRESS_ID BIGINT The shipping address. COUNTRY CHAR(30) Customizable. TOTALPRODUCT DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 The total of ORDERITEMS.TOTALPRODUCT for all the OrderItems with the same shipping address as the SubOrder, in the Currency specified by CURRENCY. TOTALTAX DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 The total of ORDERITEMS.TAXAMOUNT for all the OrderItems with the same shipping address as the SubOrder, in the Currency specified by CURRENCY. TOTALSHIPPING DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 The total of ORDERITEMS.SHIPCHARGE for all the OrderItems with the same shipping address as the SubOrder, in the Currency specified by CURRENCY. TOTALTAXSHIPPING DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 The total of ORDERITEMS.SHIPTAXAMOUNT for all the OrderItems with the same shipping address as the SubOrder, in the Currency specified by CURRENCY. CURRENCY CHAR(10) The currency for monetary amounts in the SubOrder. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards. FIELD1 INTEGER Customizable. FIELD2 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. TOTALADJUSTMENT DECIMAL (20,5) DEFAULT 0 The total of ORDERITEMS.TOTALADJUSTMENT for all the OrderItems with the same shipping address as the SubOrder, in the Currency specified by CURRENCY. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030436250 SUBORDER_ID Primary Key I0000242 TOTALPRODUCT Non-Unique Index I0000243 ORDERS_ID Non-Unique Index I0000801 ADDRESS_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_812 ADDRESS_ID ADDRESS ADDRESS_ID Cascade F_813 ORDERS_ID ORDERS ORDERS_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_811 SUBORDER_ID SUBORDADJ SUBORDER_ID Cascade F_814 SUBORDER_ID SUBORDTAX SUBORDER_ID Cascade
STATUS column
Order states:
- A
- Payment authorization requires review: Payment authorization has encountered an unusual circumstance, such as an address verification warning. The payment authorization should be reviewed and accepted, or the Order canceled, using the Order Management user interface. If the authorization is accepted, then the user interface will change the Order Status to either B or C as appropriate.
- B
- Backordered: An initial authorization has been performed. A re-authorization for the full amount will be done when all backordered items are allocated.
- C
- Complete: Payment for the full amount has been authorized.
- D
- Deposited: Payment has been captured.
- E
- CSR edit: A Customer Service Representative is working with the order.
- F
- Ready for remote fulfillment: The order is ready to be sent to a remote system for fulfillment. This status is used by the MQAdapter feature and the TransferOrder task command.
- G
- Waiting for remote fulfillment: The order has been sent to a remote system for fulfillment. This status is used by the MQAdapter feature and the TransferOrder task command.
- H
- Error in remote fulfillment: This status is associated with these conditions:
(1) An order has been submitted for transfer and the distributor responded with a failed transfer confirmation. The failure may be due to an invalid user ID or password. The error code for the transfer is stored in the ORDSTAT table OSCODE column and the error status message can be located in the ORDSTAT table OSCMT column.
(2) An empty quotation order arrived due to quotation failure.
- I
- Submitted: The customer has submitted the order, but has not yet initiated payment.
- J
- Junk or Deleted Order
- L
- Low inventory: The customer has initiated payment. A previously allocated (or backordered) order item has become unavailable.
- M
- Payment initiated: The customer has initiated payment. Authorization is pending.
- N
- Approval denied: Approval has been denied for some order items.
- P
- Pending: The customer can modify this order.
- Q
- Quick order profile: The order contains default information for a customer such as shipping address and payment information that can be copied when creating a new pending order.
- R
- Released: All order items have been released for fulfillment.
- S
- Shipped: All order items have been manifested.
- T
- Temporary: Used by the Order Management user interface to temporarily back up an order.
- W
- Waiting for approval: Not all order items have obtained approval.
- X
- Canceled: The order has been canceled.
- Y
- Private requisition list: The order is a private requisition list.
- Z
- Shareable requisition list: The order is a shareable requisition list.
Other values are possible. Uppercase letters are reserved by IBM.
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