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WebSphere Commerce database table: STADDRESS
Each row of this table represents a store address. StoreEntities, FulfillmentCenters, and Vendors can have store addresses. Sore addresses can be staged using the staging server.
Column Name Column Type Description STADDRESS_ID INTEGER NOT NULL Generated unique key. ADDRESS1 VARCHAR(50) The first line of the store address. MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The owner of this address. ADDRESS2 VARCHAR(50) The second line of the store address. ADDRESS3 VARCHAR(50) The third line of the store address. CITY VARCHAR(128) The city within this address. COUNTRY VARCHAR(128) The country or region within this address. EMAIL1 VARCHAR(254) The primary e-mail address. EMAIL2 VARCHAR(254) The secondary e-mail address. FAX1 VARCHAR(32) The primary fax number. FAX2 VARCHAR(32) The secondary fax number. FIELD1 VARCHAR(64) Customizable. FIELD2 VARCHAR(64) Customizable. FIELD3 VARCHAR(64) Customizable. PHONE1 VARCHAR(32) The primary phone number. PHONE2 VARCHAR(32) The secondary phone number. STATE VARCHAR(128) The state within this address. ZIPCODE VARCHAR(40) The ZIP code within this address. FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(128) First name for the contact person. LASTNAME VARCHAR(128) Last name for the contact person. MIDDLENAME VARCHAR(128) Middle name for the contact person. PERSONTITLE VARCHAR(50) Title of the contact person (for example, Mr or Mrs). BUSINESSTITLE VARCHAR(128) Occupation of the contact person (for example, Site Administrator or Customer Service Representative). NICKNAME VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL Nickname or identifier for the address. Verify the nickname is unique for each store. SHIPPINGGEOCODE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. TAXGEOCODE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. URL VARCHAR(254) The URL of the store. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000231 MEMBER_ID+NICKNAME Unique Index SQL100520030429850 STADDRESS_ID Primary Key
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_757 MEMBER_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_314 STADDRESS_ID FFMCENTDS STADDRESS_ID Cascade F_791 STADDRESS_ID_CONT STOREENTDS STADDRESS_ID Cascade F_792 STADDRESS_ID_LOC STOREENTDS STADDRESS_ID Cascade F_902 STADDRESS_ID VENDORDESC STADDRESS_ID Cascade
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