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WebSphere Commerce database table: SHPARRANGE
Each row of this table represents a ShippingArrangement, indicating that a FulfillmentCenter can ship products on behalf of a Store using a ShippingMode.
Column Name Column Type Description SHPARRANGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL Generated unique key. STORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The Store. FFMCENTER_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The FulfillmentCenter. SHIPMODE_ID INTEGER The ShippingMode. NULL indicates this ShippingArrangement can be used regardless of ShippingMode. STARTDATE TIMESTAMP The time this ShippingArrangement starts being effective. If STARTDATE is NULL, it means it begin effective from the beginning. ENDDATE TIMESTAMP The time this ShippingArrangement stops being effective. If ENDDATE is NULL, it means it will effective forever once it has been started. The default value is set to '9999-12-31 23:59:59.0'. If the EndDate expires, this ShippingArrangement turns invaild and then shoppers could not add items to the cart with this ShippingArrangement. TRACKINGNUMBER VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. PRECEDENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 When more than one ShippingArrangement (for the same Store and ShippingMode) is effective at a particular time, the one with the highest precedence is used. FIELD2 INTEGER Customizable. FLAGS INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The low order bit contains a flag...
1 - restricted: If this flag is 1, then this ShippingArrangement applies only to OrderItems whose shipping Addresses match one of the ShippingJurisdictionGroups associated (through the SHPARJURGP table) with this ShippingArrangement. Otherwise, it applies to all OrderItems.OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000229 FFMCENTER_ID+SHIPMODE_ID+STORE_ID+STARTDATE+ENDDATE Unique Index SQL100520030429130 SHPARRANGE_ID Primary Key I0000765 SHIPMODE_ID Non-Unique Index I0000766 STORE_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_750 FFMCENTER_ID FFMCENTER FFMCENTER_ID Cascade F_749 SHIPMODE_ID SHIPMODE SHIPMODE_ID Cascade F_748 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_747 SHPARRANGE_ID SHPARJURGP SHPARRANGE_ID Cascade
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