Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > R
WebSphere Commerce database table: RTNDSPDESC
This table stores the language-dependent description of a return disposition code.
Column Name Column Type Description RTNDSPCODE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The return disposition code to which this information applies. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(254) A description of the Return Disposition Code. LANGUAGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The language for which this information applies. For a list of language components, see the LANGUAGE table. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030425700 RTNDSPCODE_ID+LANGUAGE_ID Primary Key
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_723 LANGUAGE_ID LANGUAGE LANGUAGE_ID Cascade F_724 RTNDSPCODE_ID RTNDSPCODE RTNDSPCODE_ID Cascade
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