Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > R

WebSphere Commerce database table: RMACHARGE

This table stores charges or credits, applied to a return merchandise authorization (RMA), which are not for sellable products or services. This can be applicable to the entire RMA or to a specific RMA item, such as restocking fees or shipping credits.

Column Name Column Type Description
RMACHARGE_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Generated unique key.
RMAITEM_ID BIGINT The RMA item to which this charge applies. If this field is NULL, then the charge does not apply to a specific RMA item but against the whole RMA.
CHARGETYPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The type of charge or credit. The CHARGETYPE_ID column is a foreign key to the CHARGETYPE table. A return policy uses the charge type of a restocking fee for returned items.
RMA_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The RMA to which this charge or credit applies.
AMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL Amount of the charge or credit.
CURRENCY CHAR(3) NOT NULL Currency used for the charge or credit. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL100520030423690 RMACHARGE_ID Primary Key
I0000744 RMAITEM_ID Non-Unique Index
I0000745 RMA_ID Non-Unique Index
I0001280 CHARGETYPE_ID Non-Unique Index

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type
F_702 RMA_ID RMA RMA_ID Cascade

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