Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > R
WebSphere Commerce database table: RECEIPT
Each row contains information about each receipt of an item at a FulfillmentCenter.
Column Name Column Type Description RECEIPT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Unique identifier. VERSIONSPC_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Item identifier. RADETAIL_ID BIGINT It is a foreign key to RADETAIL table if the receipt was created from expected inventory. STORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The Store that owns the inventory. SETCCURR CHAR(3) Currency of the COST field. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards. FFMCENTER_ID INTEGER NOT NULL FulfillmentCenter where the inventory was received. VENDOR_ID BIGINT The vendor that supplied the inventory. RECEIPTDATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Date the inventory was received. QTYRECEIVED INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The quantity received. QTYINPROCESS INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The quantity allocated to customer orders but not yet released to fulfillment. QTYONHAND INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The current quantity in inventory. QTYINKITS INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. COST DECIMAL (20,5) Unit cost. COMMENT1 VARCHAR(254) Comment. COMMENT2 VARCHAR(254) Comment. LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP Timestamp of last update. CREATETIME TIMESTAMP NOT NULL The date and time the row was created. RECEIPTTYPE CHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ADHC' Indicates how this receipt was created:
ADHC = AdHoc receipt, EIR = Expected Inventory Receipt, or RTN = returned receipt.RTNRCPTDSP_ID BIGINT It is a foreign key to RTNRCTPDSP table if the receipt was created from a returned item. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000204 VERSIONSPC_ID+FFMCENTER_ID+STORE_ID+CREATETIME Unique Index SQL100520030421210 RECEIPT_ID Primary Key I0000205 RECEIPT_ID+RADETAIL_ID+RECEIPTDATE Non-Unique Index I0000715 RADETAIL_ID Non-Unique Index I0000716 FFMCENTER_ID Non-Unique Index I0000717 STORE_ID Non-Unique Index I0001276 VENDOR_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_663 FFMCENTER_ID FFMCENTER FFMCENTER_ID Cascade F_660 RADETAIL_ID RADETAIL RADETAIL_ID Cascade F_662 SETCCURR SETCURR SETCCURR Cascade F_661 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade F_664 VENDOR_ID VENDOR VENDOR_ID Cascade F_665 VERSIONSPC_ID VERSIONSPC VERSIONSPC_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_392 RECEIPT_ID INVADJUST RECEIPT_ID Cascade F_544 RECEIPT_ID ORDPICKHST RECEIPT_ID Cascade F_550 RECEIPT_ID ORDSHIPHST RECEIPT_ID Cascade F_659 RECEIPT_ID RCPTAVAIL RECEIPT_ID Cascade
Related reference
- Receipt data model
- Order item - allocated data model
- Order release data model
- ATP inventory data model
- ATP inventory adjustment data model
- ATP inventory fulfillment data model
- ATP inventory orders data model
- ATP inventory reservations data model