Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > P

WebSphere Commerce database table: PX_PROMOARG

This table contains details about how promotions are applied to an order.

Column Name Column Type Description
ORDERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key to ORDERS table. This is the ID of an order to which promtions were applied.
DETAIL CLOB Details of how promotions are applied to an order. The size of this column is currently set to 4M, which will support approximately 3400 discounts applied to a single order. In the case of where it is possible to have more discounts applied to a single order, the limit can be increased. No other code change is needed. For each 1M limit added to the limit, approximately 850 additional discounts can be supported in an order.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL100520030417660 ORDERS_ID Primary Key

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type



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